Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you? (What should a hero be like?)

What should a hero be like? Who can be called such a big word? Everyone has their own image of a hero. Heroes can be both specific personalities and collective images or invented characters. It is enough just to look around and we will understand that there are many heroes in our midst. These are ordinary people. The only thing that sets them apart is their purpose in life. Heroes primarily live for someone, not for themselves.

Feats and bold deeds are performed in the world every day. Volunteers, people who do charity work and donate for treatment are heroes. Mothers or single fathers, families who take on the upbringing of children. Why aren't they heroes? Policemen, doctors, firefighters, rescuers are people of heroic professions. Some consider their parents or grandparents to be heroes. Someone calls athletes or military heroes.

Some people call politicians or inventors heroes. Some people decide to save someone else's life without thinking about their safety - this is a manifestation of heroism. In an emergency, anyone can rush to help, the main thing is that inside there is what makes a person a person. After all, the hero performs the feat not for the sake of gratitude or universal recognition, but because he considers it necessary and correct.

The hero by his example or action must help others. In my understanding, a hero is a person who needs to be looked at. By his example, he shows that you need to be kind, noble, courageous and brave. Do not be afraid of life's difficulties and obstacles. Heroes teach that each of us should help people absolutely selflessly and free of charge.

Heroes are ordinary people, who devote their entire lives to making the world a better place. And each of us can become a hero. Heroes are not born, people become heroes.