Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?

Depends on a person there are different ways to achieve a goal. But in spite of numerous ways and methods of achievement a goal they all are caused by the person’s behavior. We choose that ways that are closer to our attitude and personality. As for me I have my own system of goal achievement strategy. First of all I need to define the goal and express it in concrete language formula. For example, I write on the white sheet of paper: “I want to graduate the university”. Then I need to draw a scheme or schedule which will contain information according to a few criteria: specialization or program, place and temporal criterion, resources, intermediate and final result. Specialization or program is the key point – I set the goal to graduate an interpreter course. Then it is very important for a person to feel himself in right place and time. So I need to realize what University (place) and in what time period (temporal criterion) I will study to achieve my goal. Then I need to think about resources which are expressed in financial equivalent (payment for study, approximate cost of computer, notes, books, etc. which I might need during the study). And it is also very important to think about result. So my specific thing for achieving my goal is creating a so called «to-do list» which helps me to make a concrete steps to achieve my goal. Planning of concrete steps in achieving of goals helps to control the situation and increases the possibility of success. It is also very important to mention such an aspect as other people’s help in achievement your personal goals. If you know the person who is more successful than you, you should be inspired by examples of his methods in achievement of goals and try to use them too.