Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?

«There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure» - wonderful quote of Paulo Coello. First, you need to think directly, you must be sure of what you want. The brain must know exactly what to do and how much. Do not give yourself any serious excuses if you cannot to do.

And for example, the quote by American actor Christopher Reeve – «At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable and eventually inevitable». That statement accurately illustrates the process of transferring from dream to goal. The goal should be big to motivate you. If the goal does not make any effort, you will not feel satisfaction, and you will not be motivated to do anything more. The goal must have a certain measure. Goals should have useful reasons. The goal must always be a plan for the future.

Of course, this process requires a lot of time, effort, patience, human qualities. There are several differences between them, but the dream and the goal play an important role in our life. You should always follow two rules: 1. If you have a dream - protect it. 2. Set a goal - achieve it. Many famous people began their journey from scratch. They differ from other people in that they had a dream, then they set a goal for themselves and, in the end, they achieved their goal and it became a reality. Many people like to dream, but few of them do something to make their dreams come true. In addition, some people are often disappointed because of a dream that has not become a reality. Dreams do not encourage us to do anything and because of this, I think it seems to everyone that a dream is something unrealizable. Why not implemented? Of course, because there are no attempts to fulfill the dream. A dream can become a reality only if you have the desire to do everything to achieve it. Only in this case, your dream will be the goal. And this goal will need to fulfill. The goal has several characteristics: it must be concrete, achievable, measurable and supported by means. In dreams, there is no certainty and there are no barriers. We can talk about our dream, we can dream for a very long time, we can tell others about our dream, but it will remain at the same level, our dream will remain a dream, and it will not become a reality.

In childhood, and later in my youth, I dreamed of becoming a cook, but this dream is all postponed and postponed. At first, I entered the university as a programmer at the head of the parents, and I graduated well. Now entered the university on the linguist. Why? I like all these disciplines, but my dream is to become a pastry chef. I am slowly moving towards this goal. Slowly but surely. I cook different muffins, cookies and cakes at home for my parents. And I hope that someday my goal will become a reality. But sometimes we want a dream to remain a dream.