Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?

We all aspire to something in our lives. Purpose in life is the beacon, without which it is easy to get lost in life. In my opinion, the goal in life can be what you want, which allows you to develop, and also benefits other people.

Many people dream naively believing that a dream is a goal. I think there's a huge difference between desire, dream and goal. It is one thing to want to be rich, healthy and beautiful, and another to be able to achieve this. All of our vague dreams are achievable if we are able to concretize the desire enough to have an idea of what the first step is to be taken.

To achieve my goal, I clearly formulate it – be sure to write on paper or print on a computer. I always ask myself the question: "what exactly will change when I reach it?»

Then I will determine what are the obstacles to achieve my goals. Reflections on this topic help to make adjustments and work towards the goal.

And now the most important thing! It is necessary to begin to act, to take the first steps. At this stage, I plan every concrete step that will lead me to the result. And be sure to set the duration of the goal. It helps to achieve and not get stuck in a rut for years to come.

When the goal is achieved, I always have situations that can lead to apathy and unwillingness to continue working. For example, criticism, waiting for quick results, the desire to be very original. I always try to resist failures and obstacles.

I try to apply immediately in practice the knowledge obtained, even if very few of them. I think that it is necessary to receive information from reliable sources. And experience from people who from scratch have achieved results in a particular case.

The most important thing for me is to survive, when nothing is deteriorating, but not improving. My task in this period is to find the strength not to give up my goal.

Still, I hope that all my goals will be realized sooner or later.