Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

For me, the hero is my own aunt

 It would seem that she is an ordinary person, but far from it. She is a great doctor who daily saves the most valuable thing in the world - human lives.
Accordingly, she works a lot, and this often happens to the detriment of her personal time, which she could spend on rest and entertainment. It is surprising that her work is not only humane, but also very altruistic - the salaries of such doctors as she is low, but this does not stop her on the path of creating good.
There are many difficulties in the medical profession, ranging from communication with patients to the intricacies of operations and the accuracy of diagnoses. However, my aunt is indestructible in her thirst to help as many people as possible with their well-being, even though they may be very disrespectful towards her personally and to her work as a whole.
She is an incredibly strong woman, because no obstacles can break her - any complexity hardens the character of my aunt and is not taken seriously by her, because she knows: everything in life can be corrected, except for her ending.
Many people of her profession are prone to “professional burnout” literally in the first five years of work, but this cannot be said about her: my aunt is the person who will overcome and win absolutely everything in order to achieve the goal. And her goal is to help other people and their salvation.Therefore, she does not waste time on self-pity, tediousness and self-flagellation. The rescuer has much more important things to do, and as a true hero she understands it and deal with it: clearly, judiciously, structured, coolly and quickly. And the fact with which passion my aunt is devoted to her profession makes me admire her and strive to be like her. I hope, I’ll achieve it someday.