Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What does it mean to be successful?

I believe that the concept of "success" for each person is different. For somebody being a successful person means being happy, for other - having a nice house, or being rich, being a good parent, or having something to make someone envy you.

Unfortunately, because of mass culture, most people nowadays think that being successful means being popular or having a lot of money. But I think that it is wrong and being a successful can means absolutely different things for different people.

For example, for me, success means to set a goal for myself, plan the steps to achieve it, carry through with the plan, and finally to achieve my goal. There is no better feeling than when you have finally accomplished your goal that you’ve set for yourself.

Success does not come just by itself, it must be achieved. To do this, it is important commitment and perseverance, and the ability to overcome difficulties and not to lose heart. There is no such path, on which not meet obstacles. Endurance, hard work, professionalism and the desire to learn something new – these are the qualities necessary for a successful person.

Equally important is the ability to enjoy the results, to appreciate success. After reaching certain heights, a person should not feel exhausted, completely without strength. This may indicate that the goal was initially wrong, not sincere or unreal inflated, which is also often found in life. There are people who are struggling to achieve something just because they are afraid to be not like everyone else. Courage is another important feature of successful people. All great discoveries initially seemed crazy, but the authors took a risk, they believed in themselves and their purpose.

Also a real successful person is able to enjoy the achievements of others, to respect their strong rivals and competitors. It is important to find contact with different people.

Usually the word "success" is used in the sense of profession and career, and it is inextricably linked to the material side, because the cost (time and effort) should be adequately rewarded. But we should not forget about other spheres of our lives except of work or material sphere, for example about our family and friends, and only if we can live with comfort in all this spheres we can be named a "successful person".