Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Is it necessary to discover space

I think that in our days we can't deny that discovery of the space is one of the most important things for all mankind. In many countries, a big proportion of expenditure is being spent on exploring the space. It is argued that this expenditure should be spent on other important things rather than on space exploration. However, in my opinion, keep other significant things in mind, space program is very crucial and important for the whole world and should be funded due to the fact that it will help to improve the communication between countries in the world and also helping to search a new alternate to live.

To begin, a reason to support funding space program is communication between all over the world. Because business and organizations are being expanded geographically, they need a communication channel to run these businesses in an effective manner. It has become possible after launching satellites in the orbit. For instance, NASA, which is a reputed space organization has launched many satellites in the orbit, which are being used to broadcast the signals in the form of audio and video to across the globe. Moreover, the satellite television has only become possible due the space programs, and people are able to watch the global events instantly from anywhere. Thus, it can be said that by doing the space exploration, world communication has utterly been changed and for this reason it should be financially aided. 

Furthermore, as global warming has become a serious concern for the whole world, scientist have started to find the alternate planet to live. It is one of the ways to resolve the problem of global warming and this could only be possible if more space programs will be aided financially. Thus, it has been important for every country to give financial support to these programs so that the next generation can live in a better place.

Unfortunately Russia has some problem in the sphere of sending satellites in last years, but I believe that we can resolve them and we will be one of the leasers in the space exploration. I firmly believe that space program should be supported financially as there is need to get together the whole world to improve the communication and fight against the environmental problems.