Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

A special dish, eaten in your family on a special day

I would like to tell you about my family's special food, which we prepare only on special days. We usually try to eat only healthy food, however, it does not always happen. Speaking of where we usually eat, I have to point out that my mom considers the background an important part of the meal and we agree with it. We try to always eat at home and try not to order products to take away. My mother cooks well, so we only eat home-cooked meals. However, sometimes we still go to a restaurant and usually we choose a quiet place with an Italian menu. That's because everyone in our family loves pizza, pasta and risotto.

But there is one special day when my mom makes a special dish. And this dish is called Samarkand pilaf. Usually my mother prepares this dish for our national or Muslim holidays. But there are also ordinary days when together with family and friends we arrange a picnic and mother prepares us this dish. This is where we break the rules of healthy eating. It is important to note that this pilaf is not like another pilaf, its difference is that it can be prepared only in a cauldron, and it is important to add ingredients in the correct order. Among the ingredients of this pilaf are, in addition to traditional, such as carrots and beef, are also raisins and chickpeas.. It is these ingredients that give it a special, incomparable taste. Also these days my dad is always cook a fried meat. And, as you know, fried meat is not very useful. These days we can afford to deviate a little from the rules of healthy eating and eat for fun.

This dish unites all our family and our close friends, we gather in a close circle, communicate with each other and laugh. Now I am far from my family, and there is time when I am sad, but every time when I remember the taste of our special dish, it becomes easier to me. The next time I go home, I know for sure that mom will gather all our friends and prepare our special pilaf.