Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What characteristics do you think natural leaders have?

The leader is considered the person with the greatest authority and recognition in his group, able to lead other people. The leader is not appointed, he advances himself because of his personal qualities. The first studies attempted to identify those qualities that distinguish "great people" in history from the masses. The researchers believed that the leaders had some kind of a unique set of fairly stable and not changing in time qualities that distinguished them from people who did not become leaders.

  1. The leader is insane. He is always crazy about his idea, whatever it may be. He just takes and implements it.
  2. Ability to take responsibility. Including other people. Only 10% of all people are able to take responsibility without expecting anything in return. They lead the rest of the other 90%.
  3. Courage. The leader is ready to sacrifice the small for the greater and constantly take risks. Not everyone is capable of it. Who does not risk - he does not drink champagne.
  4. Discipline. When a leader is disciplined, his team behaves accordingly. A disciplined leader will not allow the team to dissolve. It helps to achieve great results.
  5. Reason. Obligatory quality is not only a leader, but also an adequate person. You cannot risk without the need, or when it comes to human life. To lead people, you must follow them. The wise phrase of the wise Lao Tzu (Chinese philosopher). And remember - leaders are not born, they become.

The list of features required by the leader was constantly expanding, but there was still no correct explanation for this phenomenon. Some still think that leadership is a quality that is either from birth or not at all. This is a false theory, because the art of being a leader can be learned. The secrets of mastery re-opens every generation, but by themselves they are simple. Studying them, we will not become Caesars or Napoleons, but we will learn how to act effectively, and in most cases this is enough.