Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Can success be measured in money? I partly agree with this statement, but I can argue against it too

Signs of a successful person in my opinion are solid support and independence. If a person has built a good career, received an education and continues to improve, takes care of his health, has his own house and car, and can afford anything he wants, he can be considered successful. Financial independence is still the main indicator of success.

But there is a flip side to this issue. This is the primary goal of man. A person must set goals, take steps to achieve them, and get what he wants. That is, daily work on yourself. It is not simple.

If, for example, a woman sees her mission as giving birth and raising children, and she does well, then she will be considered a successful mother. If the doctor has the goal of saving lives, then the number of people saved will determine its success. That is, in some cases, a successful person is not equal to a rich person.

There are also examples that a rich person is not successful. Not all people come to riches by hard work. Someone wins the lottery, someone robs and steals, someone is a fraudster and makes money from someone else's work or thanks to the gullibility of some people.

Criminals and lazy people are not successful people. They only harm society. If in itself, without money, a person is nothing of himself, then a penny is the price of his wealth.

From this I conclude that a person makes a person successful, and money is only a by-product. Success is not just about money.