Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


Well, first of all we must ask ourselves such questions: Who we can name a leader? What qualities should the real leader possess? How we can become a leader? All these questions are very important nowadays, because almost everyone wants to become a leader. Leadership is an inseparable item of our fast-moving world; the world of high technology, of international business, fast-growing economy, international tourism, the influential “Forth Estate”, of multiculturalism. In order to keep pace with our fast-changing, competitive world we should know how to become a leader.

So let’s try to find the answer! So, the first question is “Who is a leader?” In the dictionary we can find such a definition of a leader. LEADER – is a person who guides or directs a group of people and who makes the most important decisions. In other words it’s a person who stays under the leadership of others. I suggest that everyone, to some degree, wears the hat of a leader, even if it is self-leadership (which, to my point of view, is the most important leadership of all)

Another question is “What qualities should the real leader possess?” He must be: 1. Self Starter - Leaders are made, not found. 2.Ability to see the big picture - vision. 3.Selector of good people - People are the most important asset. 4.Trainer of people - Motivator - Build a team. 5.Good communicator - Good listener. 6.Risk taker. 7.High energy level - hard work is the only career plan. 8.Sense of Humor - Doesn't take himself/herself too seriously. 9.Strategic thinker. Another important question is “How we can become a leader?” First of all we should become the sculptor of our own career and life – not the sculpture.

Leaders are the authors of their own lives. We must show our supremacy and the desire to become a leader. We should take responsibility for our professional development. We should print it in our minds because no one has a greater investment in our success and satisfaction than we. So, the first and most important step for a leader is the decision to become a leader. At some point in time, leaders decide that they want to provide others with vision direct the course of future events and inspire others to success, they want toinstill (внушить) in others a hope and belief that they can create change for the better. They want to bring out in people their best talents. In conclusion I would like to say that leadership is the ability to work hard and get real results, to set goals and obtain them. I think that leadership is a great responsibility, rather than a privilege. Because when things go wrong (and they always do) leaders are always the scapegoats. So, personally I would not like to become a leader.