Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«What can be used on a flag to symbolize a country?»

A flag is important thing of any country , company or anything else. In the time of knights every kingdom had a flag with unique symbol of some animal or plant. The famous flag is pirate flag with black background and white skull.

Nowadays,we use on a flag the things which associated with country. Some countries use only 3-4 differen colours: white,red,blue and maybe black. For example: Russian flag has white ,blue and red horizontal stripes. White strip symbolizes purity and integrity. Blue- is colour of faith, loyalty,constancy. And red strip is energy,power and blood spilled for the country. USA has the same colours on the flag ,but absolutely another meaning . There are 50 white stars on the blue background. These stars symbolize 50 States of USA. And red-white stripes. The flags ,which have the same basic colours are very similar and we may get confused.

Another countries use different colours and some animal or plant. Like Canada. The Canadian flag looks very simple,but pretty. On the white background is red maple leaf and red stripes on the left and right sides. The flag symbolizes the 2 oceans washing the shores of Canada- the Pacific and Atlantic and the country between them . The maple leaf should emphaze the unity of the nation. Red is the colour of the cross of Saint George. White is colour of the French monarchy. An animal on a flag may means that this animal lives here or could be a rare in nature of the country. Also could be used stars like on Chinese flag,circles- South Korea,Brasil .

In conclusion,we found out that every country or company try make a unique flag. This is important thing ,which should be not difficult and pretty. There are could be used 3-4 main colours : blue,white,red and black. Which simbolize different things for each country. I have not seen the changing of any flag,so I think it is unnecessary. I know only ,that American flag had 51 stars,now there are 50.