Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Виды семьи (In this essay will describe the types of families , their problems and their possible solutions)

In this essay will describe the types of families , their problems and their possible solutions. At the moment, there are three types of families: a nuclear family, a extended family, and a family with one parent.

A nuclear family is a family that most often consists of parents and children. But it can also only consist of a married couple. The basic principle of such relationships is Based on the relationship between spouses. A nuclear family is inhabited only by a married couple and children or just a married couple. I believe that this type of family as nuclear family is the best, so how About living for such a family has a private space , their Own family values, not handed down from generation to generation, and I don't think it's bad. The opportunity to meet with other relatives of the residents of such a family is absolutely always. The most important plus is that No one bothers anyone

A Extended family means living for several generations in the same house. For example,when a married couple and their children, grandparents live. I think one of the advantages of such a family is that it will never be boring in such a family. But, living, many people in one apartment Rarely gives you the opportunity for personal space, personal boundaries are Often violated. This often leads to conflicts between family members. I see only one solution to this problem- Each family must live in a separate apartment.

The third type of family I would like to consider is a single-parent family. In my opinion, these families may have a little more problems than others. Because the absence of one parent affects the upbringing of the child and the formation of it as a person. But you can not say that such families are bad, if you find the right approach and alignment of values, then problems can be avoided