Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The relevance of this topic lies in the need to deepen the study of management issues when entering the foreign market

The relevance of this topic lies in the need to deepen the study of management issues when entering the foreign market. The external environment in which the company operates is fundamentally important for any business, regardless of its orientation and scale. But for foreign economic activities, it has very special meaning: if in my country "more or less familiar," you go on the world market, the firm is not only unknown in the economic, political and social environment, but in the situation, when far from obvious sources for its study and adequate assessment.

That is why it is very important to choose the right management model for working in this activity. Moreover, the techniques and methods remain practically the same as for the intra-economic approach, but they should be considered in more detail and in relation to this activity.

In a competitive environment, efficiency is the main condition for a firm's survival. Effective management, which ensures the success of the company, requires a focus on the person: in terms of the external environment - on the consumer, in terms of the internal environment-on the staff.

International management is a special type of management, the main objectives of which are the formation, development and use of the competitive advantages of the company due to the opportunities for doing business in different countries and the appropriate use of the economic, social, cultural and other characteristics of these countries and cross-country influence.

In this paper, we consider:

The organizational management system, in particular: the concept of organization and organizational structure: types of organizational structures, as well as their comparative characteristics

Management technology, that is, setting operational goals, their effectiveness, management planning, as well as management goals and objectives

The main methods of management – economic, organizational and administrative, socio-psychological, etc.

In addition, the paper considers the features of foreign trade management at the enterprise: the stages of the company's entry into the foreign market and the features of its activities in the future.

The peculiarities of international management arise from the need to work in large territories in a tough competitive environment. This is associated with the risks of significant material losses. Such work requires a highly qualified manager, providing him with the most extensive information base about the market to be developed. Of course, it is necessary to solve the problems with the language barrier. International management also involves a high level of material investment, the ability to work with the mentality and culture of both local staff and the buyer. The mentality can be completely different (for example, the Japanese and Europeans), and, therefore, the strategies should be fundamentally different. It is also important to work with the local government in the system of legal coordinates of the relevant state. International management and its main tasks Based on the above, the main tasks of high-level management also follow: The study of the international market in a complex and the search for the most effective way to implement the company's resources. In-depth analysis of the cultural background in different regions of the world, assessing how it can affect the company's performance in the national market. Search and development of the most effective and diverse ways to allocate corporate capital in various fields of activity. Formation of the multinational personnel of the company. This contributes to the most effective use of the personal potential of employees in working with the multinational market. Analysis of the effectiveness and selection of organizational forms that will be applied in the foreign operations of the company, in order to get the maximum result from the use of the cultural, economic, social and legal potential of a particular country.

Management is an important part of the company's activities. The organization's future success in the market largely depends on the proper management of the organization.

There are many factors that affect the development of an organization, but all these factors can be divided into two groups: Factors of the external and internal environment.

The factor of the external environment cannot be ignored, since the company lives in constant contact with the external environment and depends on its changes. Therefore, a competent analysis of external factors and timely transmission of results to the company's management staff plays an important role in the successful operation of the company. And for a company that conducts foreign economic activity, they are especially important, since it is always necessary to take into account the culture of the country to whose market you send your products.

But still, the main component of management is personnel management. It is in many cases, all other things being equal, that it is crucial for the successful development of the company. Human relations are the basis of the manager's activity.

Managerial communication — communication for the purpose of managing people, that is, changing their actions in a certain direction, maintaining this direction or forming a new direction.

Competent management communication with the staff not only creates an optimal climate in the company, but also contributes to improving the efficiency of the staff, as well as helps employees to show initiative. All this together gives the company the opportunity to work most effectively in its chosen market niche without unnecessary friction and delays, and, systematically implementing its strategy, go to Success.

Considering the various components of management, its functions and management schemes, it is clear that the goal of each of them is generally the same — they are designed to lead the company to the top of Success. Therefore, we can conclude that the goal of management as a management system and its essence is to use all available means to lead the company along the chosen line to the top of commercial success, which is the goal of any business in any field.

In the external environment and its assessment, there are huge opportunities and equally the most significant dangers for the development and further activities of the enterprise. It is necessary to understand that in addition to the successful performance of the enterprise. That is why management should pay great attention when entering the foreign market.