Автор Анна Евкова
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The creative impuls

In the story of Maugham Somerset «The creative impuls» we read about the situation that happened to Mrs. Forrester, this situation could happen to any woman. Somerset describes this situation with the irrony, that was characteristic of his works.

At the center of Mrs. Forrester 's plot, which is very quickly becoming popular and rich, thanks to a written detective story. The plot is then revealed, and Somers tells us her story. I see the irony of Mrs Forrester being an avid writer and then Somerset changing her life and making her popular. I also see Somerset 's humor in writing misis Forrester detective history, at which time detectives did not consider serious works, besides there were many new directions in literature, and they argued with classical.

Then, in my opinion, Somerset is humorous about higher society, hilarious tells their enchanted morals and thoughts.

The character of the main hero, he also seems comic to me, never loved or cared for her husband, and was worried only after a scandal could break out that could harm her. Then she tries to get it back, and completely leaves that idea, after the idea of a detective story.

I find this Somerset piece very ironic, and I don 't think I understood all his ideas to the end!