Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Some people think that the role of parents is to discipline their children and teach them about right and wrong. Other people consider that the main responsibility of parents is to nurture their children and provide them with a safe environment to grow up

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The role of parents in raising children is very important - the development of the life scenario of a growing baby depends on them.

The family is traditionally the main educational institution. What the child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his subsequent life. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

The family is a powerful factor in the formation of the personality, the development of universal and individualized qualities in it; in the family, the child learns for the first time the norms of behavior, attitudes and feelings, towards oneself and another. The family provides initial education, physical, psychological and overall social protection and support for children.

That is why the first and main task of parents is to create confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for. Never, under no circumstances should a child have doubts about parental love.

Deep, constant contact with your child is a universal parenting requirement. The basis for maintaining contact is a sincere interest in everything that happens in the child's life.

Contact can never arise by itself, it must be built with the baby. When we talk about mutual understanding, emotional contact between children and parents, we mean a kind of dialogue, interaction between a child and an adult with each other. It is when the child participates in the common life of the family, sharing all its goals and plans, that the habitual unanimity of upbringing disappears, giving way to genuine dialogue. the most essential characteristic of dialogical upbringing communication is the establishment of equality in the positions of a child and an adult.

Negative assessments of the child's personality and inherent character traits should be categorically abandoned.

Parents consider kindness to be one of the important qualities that need to be brought up from childhood, however, they generalize and gradually replace this concept with the definition of “a good child”. Parents teach us good and evil from childhood. They set an example for us. Thus, letting us know what can be done and what not. With growing up, the child begins to live, to do things first, thinking whether it will be right. Parents also provide a safe environment for their child to grow up. Giving him the opportunity to first form and then see the real world.

I believe that good parents make a good start in life. From childhood, they bring up good qualities in us that will help us live in the future, make us understand what is possible and what is not. Parents protect and protect us so that we can first grow up and be ready to see the real world. Thank you parents for everything they do for us.