Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Sociocultural Aspects of Hospitality

To fully understand this topic, you must first understand how the traditions, habits and interests of people affect the hospitality industry. Today I would like to talk about the hospitality of the country of Russia. No wonder it is believed that Russian people are the most hospitable. I think this topic is relevant, because many foreigners think that Russian people are very arrogant, selfish, not educated people ... But I don’t think so! The Russian man has a rich soul. Hospitality for a Russian person is always joyful to meet any guest, treat and feed him and there is nothing to ask for in return.

In order to fully understand this topic, I want to first talk about Russian traditions that were before. In every house, every guest was welcome. He was greeted with a low bow, surrounded by care, and the best treats were set on the table. If the arrival of guests was known in advance, then preparations began in a few days. Traditionally, dear guests were met on the doorstep of the house with bread and salt. The housewife was often engaged in baking bread, and she carried it to the threshold on an embroidered towel. Bread and salt have long been considered symbols of fertility and prosperity, and salt acted as a kind of talisman. After receiving a guest, he was always put in a beautiful chair. The guest was always greeted with a good mood and with a smile. To accept, feed, put to sleep, and even finally give something on the road - such a manifestation of hospitality was quite natural for a Russian person. Those who did not have the opportunity to set a large table for their guests even shared their own. Everyone was always welcome. When guests were escorted, they always wished them a good journey and it was all with a soul. Now the same traditions have remained in some places. Since this is considered an indicator of the Russian soul. Foreign guests to this day admire the hospitality of Russian people.

In my opinion, Russian people will always be hospitable and welcome any guests. This is what remains today. Foreigners come to our country for the warmth and care that gives them a trip. Russian people will always be famous for a large table and a joyful meeting. Nowadays there are few moments when people will meet with bread and salt, but still it happens. I think the main thing is to do it with the soul!