Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Social networks: advantages and disadvantages

I have both positive and negative opinions about social networks. I can never understand people who post every single thought or photo of what they are eating on this very moment on Facebook. On the other hand it is the best way to tell your friends and relatives what you are doing or to see what they are going to do.


A big advantage of social networks is, that you can stay in touch with your friends and family from all around the world. So, you can see their recent pictures or post some funny pictures back. If your relatives or close friends are living maybe somewhere in the other country or city , it’s wonderful to have a social network like Facebook, ‘Odnoklaccniki’, ‘V kontacte’, ‘Instagram’.

Another huge benefit is that if you press “like” or “follow” on pages or blogs that you are interested to, you always get the newest piece of information and you always be up to date. Also, you know about every event from your favourite band, for instance.


The probably worst disadvantage of social networks is that you can’t control the online activities of your own children. It can be a big risk for them of being siduced and stalked by someone dangerous. They can invate your child to their place. I even don’t want tot think what could happen in this case!

The social networks are making you lazy too. You spend too much time on reading blogs and writing statuses. However, in this time you could have gone to a public place or something else to meet your friends or do something usefull at your own home. Also, your children grades at school may get worse because they spend time for studying on browsing through the world wide web searching for new pieces of information or things to share with your friends. It’s easy to become addicted to social networks, which is obviously not good.

My own opinion is, that social networks are generally a very good thing, because you have all your friends and relatives, not matter how far they are away, “around” you. After all, you will see that if you use your networks or in general personal stuff wisely, it is not a problem if you share some things with people you like. Therefore, a huge tip is to just accept people to see you profiles if you really know and like them. Otherwise, you have to count with many disadvantages.