Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

A special dish, eaten in my family on a special day

I was born in the international family. My mother was a Moslim woman. Last year she past away. My father is a Russan.

In ouw family we used both cuisines: Christian and Moslims.

We adored (and still do!) the Russian red soup borch, baked patato with meat, the Russian summer soup okroshka.

We also adored the Asian food such as manti, plov and the Moslim soup shorpa. Sometimes my father made shashlik(sort of barbecue) behind the bilding when we lived.

I can’t say that we had something special on our fest table. But I remember that till we all had been living at our parent’s house every Saturday we made Russian ravioli, called pelmeni. The whole family participed in that process. It was lovely! It brought the whole family members together. Children and adults shared their thoughts.told how their week was. We all made joks, laught a lot. It was nice! I miss so much that time. After pelmeni were cooked, the whole family sat at the big table and ate. I loved our famlily Saturday!More then holidays. I wish I could be a little girl again en sat together with my family making pelmeni.

There was one more special day that I remember, Easter Sunday. My mother, who was a Moslim woman, loved this Christian holiday very much. I don’t know,why. Bij the eind of her life she converted to Christianity. I think she did it for all of us: her husbandand and her children.

In Easter sunday she alway baked pirojki (sort of pastries) with different filling: forcemeat, patato, rice with leek, jam,…

I still get water in my mouth when I think about her pirojki. How delicious they were!!

So, as you can see I don’t remember some special dish, eaten in my family on a specialy day. But I really cherish my memories about our family Saturdays and pirojki on Easter Sunday. I think these are my favorite memories because they are memories of my childhood when my mother was yet alive …