Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My profession is a manager

A manager is a qualified specialist, an employee who is engaged in professional organizational activities in the management structures of an enterprise, company; manages the activities of other people in the process of doing their work.

Managers come in three levels: line managers, mid-level managers and senior managers.

Line managers are junior managers over performers, workers, they may have a level of education, starting from secondary. For example: craftsmen, department heads in stores, department heads, sales specialists.

Mid-level managers are line managers; they usually have a college degree. In large organizations there are several levels of such managers. Middle managers are the head of the sales department, the head of the workshop, the director of the branch, the dean of the faculty.

Top managers (TOP managers) - the smallest group of managers; they must have a higher education, often several. TOP managers are the company’s general director, factory director, and university rector.

The content of the manager’s work can be presented as a set of tasks and issues that are on the “agenda”. After analyzing the variety of tasks, it is possible to identify key tasks that are characteristic only of the manager’s work, and are independent of the level and style of management, the implementation of which allows you to combine resources into a “living and developing organism”, i.e. to transform materials into a product called organization and achieve the goal. Five main tasks that are common to all managers and characteristic only for their work can be distinguished:

1. Setting goals. This task includes setting goals, determining their characteristics and implies the ability not only to decide what needs to be done to achieve the goal, but also to find and formulate a common goal.

2. Organization of work is the analysis of the necessary actions, decisions and relationships, the classification and division of work, the construction of an organizational structure to coordinate the execution of work.

3. Motivation and communication is a complex task of creating like-minded people from many people, building relationships with people, their relationship to work and group interaction, stimulating and rewarding for good work.

4. Measurement of indicators - is to establish indicators and criteria that reflect the effectiveness of individual work and the organization as a whole, analyze the effectiveness of each employee, evaluate and interpret.

5. The development of their subordinates - consists in the development and professional improvement of employees, assistance in unlocking abilities, strengthening their personal qualities and creating conditions for self-development.

These main tasks are the basic elements of the content of the work of any manager. Each of the tasks requires special qualities and qualifications. The ability to solve one of the problems does not make a person a manager. Knowledge of the main tasks will allow us to evaluate the concentration of the orientation of training programs and develop the ability to solve such problems in practice, i.e. ensure the manager’s readiness for work. Each employee can improve his activities as a manager, improving the performance of precisely these tasks, since in the absence of the ability to solve one of the tasks, it is impossible to consider himself a real manager. It is interesting to note that these five tasks are weakly correlated with 20-30 subjects, usually presented in management training programs. Thus, to work effectively as a manager, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of the main tasks, and when choosing or drawing up training programs, pay attention to the possibility of developing knowledge and skills that contribute to solving these problems.