Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Kinds of Law

Torts are civil wrongs recognized by law as grounds for a lawsuit. These wrongs result in an injury or harm constituting the basis for a claim by the injured party. Among the types of damages the injured party may recover are: loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses. There are numerous specific torts including trespass, assault, battery, negligence, products liability, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Torts fall into three general categories: intentional torts (e.g., intentionally hitting a person); negligent torts (e.g., causing an accident by failing to obey traffic rules); and strict liability torts (e.g., liability for making and selling defective products). Intentional torts are those wrongs which the defendant knew or should have known would occur through their actions or inactions. Negligent torts occur when the defendant's actions were unreasonably unsafe. Strict liability wrongs do not depend on the degree of carefulness by the defendant, but are established when a particular action causes damage. A distinctive feature of tort from other offenses (the so-called quasi-delicts) is the intention to cause harm, guilt, without which, with some exceptions, there is no responsibility.
In this way, Delict is misconduct, private or civil law offense, entailing compensation for harm and damage, recovered under private law in favor of the victims.

Property rights.

Property law is the area of ​​law that regulates the various forms of ownership of real estate (land as opposed to personal or movable property) and personal property within the common law legal system. In the civil law system, there is a division into movable and immovable property. Moving property roughly corresponds to movable property, and immovable property corresponds to real estate or immovable property and the rights and obligations associated with it.
Property law is considered as a set of separate rights or powers. In Russian law, the powers of ownership, use and disposal are usually distinguished:
1) Possession is associated with the physical possession of a thing. Possession means access to the place where the thing is.
2) Use is associated with the ability to benefit from it.
3) An order means the ability to decide the legal fate of a thing (the ability to sell, donate, lease, destroy, etc.).
Certain powers can be transferred to another agent by agreement or by law. The transfer of all three powers means the transfer of ownership. Examples of the transfer of separate powers are:
1.The lease involves the transfer of ownership and / or use. The right to use can be transferred without the physical transfer of the thing. For example, the use of network infrastructure.
2. The power of attorney for sale presupposes the transfer of the authority of the order to the authorized person. In this case, after the sale, ownership will pass to a third party.
3. Custody involves the transfer of ownership.
In this way, Property law - the right of an economic agent to make decisions about a good or resource, choosing from a certain not prohibited or permitted class of decisions

Labor Law

The purpose of labor law is to balance the bargaining power between employers and employees. Laws primarily govern relations between employers and trade unions. Labor law grants workers the right to join trade unions and allows employers and workers to participate in certain activities (strikes, picketing, injunctions, lockouts) so that their demands are met.

Purposes of labor law:
1.establishment of state guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens;
2.creation of favorable working conditions;
protection of the rights and interests of 3.employees and employers.
1.labor organization and labor management;;
2.the participation of employees and trade unions in the establishment of working conditions and the application of labor legislation in cases provided by law;
3.a device with a given employer;
4.material liability of employers and employees in the labor sphere;
5.state control (supervision), trade union control over observance of labor legislation (including labor protection legislation) and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;
6.the resolution of labor disputes;
To sum up, we can say Labor law is an independent branch of law that regulates relations in the labor sphere.

Commercial law
Commercial law governs broad areas of business, commerce, and commercial transactions. Specific legislation has been developed in a number of commercial areas.
Insolvency (bankruptcy) - the inability of the debtor (citizen, organization or state) recognized by the authorized state body to satisfy in full the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay mandatory government payments.

Consumer credit – a loan provided to the population for the purchase of personal consumption items.

Contracts are rules that structure relations in time and space between two (or more) economic agents based on the specification of exchanged rights and obligations in accordance with the agreement reached between them.

Debtor is a citizen or legal entity that is obligated to perform a certain action or refrain from performing an action.

Lender – persons (legal entities and individuals) who have placed their temporarily available funds at the disposal of the borrower for a certain period of time.

Mortgage — a variant of real estate collateral, in which the real estate object remains in the possession and use of the debtor, and the creditor, in case of default by the debtor of its obligations.

Summing up, we can say that under commercial (trade) law, specialists understand a set of rules of private law, General and special, intended for servicing trade (commercial) turnover and regulating the relationship of professional entrepreneurs