Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Informational Basis of Hospitality Industry (The modern hospitality industry)

The hospitality industry is the most important economic sector in most countries of the world. The modern hospitality industry is characterized by rapid changes in economic conditions, improved quality of services, and continuous entry of new participants, including foreign ones

A modern hotel company provides consumers with not only accommodation and food services, but also a wide range of transport, communication, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports services, information services, beauty salons, etc. In fact, hotel companies in the structure of the tourism and hospitality industry perform key functions, as they form and offer consumers a comprehensive hotel product, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the tourism and hospitality industry participate. Based on this, it is legitimate to identify the hotel industry or the hotel business as the largest integrated component of the tourism and hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with the unified tourism and hospitality industry

In the hospitality sector of the hotel industry, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will help to provide hotel services most effectively, which will completely suit any client. The entire range of hotel services is aimed at meeting the needs of the visitor, which he should receive.

The client is the main, main figure in all the activities of the hotel industry. This should be followed in all circumstances, and the company's policy should be based on these principles. Thus, hospitality and hotel management are synonyms that identify each other.

For the development of the hospitality industry, the age, family and social composition of the population is of the greatest importance. Differences in the age structure of travelers have led to the appearance of specialized accommodation facilities - for young people, middle-aged and elderly people. The social status of tourists leads to the appearance of hotels of various price categories, aimed at people of various incomes. An important factor is the family composition of travelers, which caused the appearance of hotels for families with children, a flexible system of discounts for tourists traveling with families, etc.

The state of transport, accommodation and food infrastructure is important for tourism. From the perspective of the hospitality industry, for the development of international tourism, the system of accommodation and catering enterprises that has developed in the tourist destination is of paramount importance. Tourists and hotel guests should not have communication barriers when establishing contacts with hotel staff and getting the information they need.

In addition to external factors that determine the development of international tourism, it is necessary to identify and specify a fairly large group of intra-industry factors, which include: improvement of the hotel product; development of the hotel services sector; creation of hotel chains and associations; development of distribution systems; labor resources factor; marketing factors.

The hotel product is the most important element of the tourist product. In this regard, much attention is paid to the quality and further modernization of the hotel product. The quality of a hotel product largely depends on the state of the environment and infrastructure.in this regard, the role of tourist organizations is great: regional tourist administrations, government agencies, professional associations that can join forces to create an atmosphere of hospitality and attract the necessary investments.

Currently, the hotel business has become one of the most profitable segments of the tourist market. Hotel services are increasingly presented as a comprehensive hotel product that provides tourists with the maximum number of amenities, multiplied by the hospitality and cordiality of the staff