Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Marketing management Philosophies (General classification of the marketing structure)

The set of concepts that characterize marketing relations develops and expresses the subsequent detailing of marketing relations that exist in modern science and practice. When developing a marketing structure, five components are taken into account: people (reorie), product, or product (ppodist), price (prise), placement (plase), promotion (ppottiop).

Each of these components, in turn, is divided into component parts, and therefore usually represent the following General classification of the marketing structure:

  1. People: company, intermediaries (wholesale and retail), consumer.
  2. Product: properties and advantages, positioning, brand, packaging, service, etc.
  3. Price: cost price, surcharge, wholesale and retail price, etc.
  4. Placement: product distribution by market, distribution channels, location, storage (warehousing), market sector, logistics.
  5. Promotion: direct sales, advertising, sales promotion, public relations.

The main stages of the process of building a marketing management strategy include developing a behavior forecast in the form of a strategic line and in the form of developing a strategic action plan. The main principles of the marketing management strategy include: the principles of scientific analysis of strategy development, accounting and coordination of external and internal factors of the company's development, compliance with the strategy and management tactics, priority of the human factor, certainty of the strategy and organization of strategic control [3]. The concept of "strategic marketing management" is multi-stage, combining different levels of elements, relationships and relationships.

The modern concept of market-oriented management is based on the development and implementation of marketing strategies aimed at increasing the company's value in accordance with the approaches of value-oriented management.

Currently, the most popular method of target management of a company is a balanced scorecard that describes the logic of cause-and-effect relationships in the tree of strategic goals. This approach is based on the fact that no key indicator in itself can give a complete picture of the company's activities. This is why a balanced model is needed that uses a range of external and internal indicators, focuses on the relevant success factors, and demonstrates the causal relationships associated with the strategy. The MTSP provides a complete, "balanced" picture of the company's activities, demonstrates the relationship between its short-term and long-term goals, as well as between the planned result and factors that directly affect the effectiveness of its activities.