Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

In Another country

The story "In Another country" refers to the initial period of Ernest Hemingway. A young American serving in the Italian army during the First World War, after being wounded, is hospitalized and meets with his comrades in misfortune. Among his new acquaintances is a major who recently lost his wife. The major is sure that a person should not marry: “If a person is destined to lose everything, he should not also put it on the map. He must find something that cannot be lost.” The search for that which cannot be lost, even if it seems hopeless, is the main idea of ​​this story.

Can a major be called a hero? I'm sure yes. He does not consider heroism something worth attention - but isn't that why he is a hero? He does not believe in the devices with which he is being treated - but it takes tremendous courage to come to the hospital for treatment every day, without any delays or passes. You have to be a hero in order to withstand the news of the death of your wife with such perseverance and courage - and only three days later return to the hospital and continue to do what you do not believe. The major is a hero - and therefore he works with an Italian Italian, although he does not prepare lessons.

The author calls the Italians falcons - they received their awards for the cause, for the courage shown in battle. And let the wounds be a “matter of chance”, according to the author, but we cannot know what these people experienced at the front.

To be a hero is also to face the truth and accept it, no matter how bitter it is. It means not giving in to fear and doing what is required. The major is fully capable of this, and therefore we can safely say that he is a hero.