Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If I had a million dollars (I would distribute it as follows)

I think many people have thought at least once in their lives on the subject: if I had a million, what would I do? I'm no exception, and I've thought about it once, too. Of course, my values have changed at different times in my life,, and I distributed this million differently in my dreams.

If I received or earned one million dollars, I would distribute it as follows. I'd give a tenth to the Church first. Then I'd set aside money to take my parents and siblings on holiday and buy them two nice new cars. Maybe I would have spent the money to update my wardrobe and bought a new apartment. I would also spend the money to get a driver's license and buy a car. Then I would go on a tour of Europe and go to visit my friend who lives in the US. Most of the money I would spend on missionary trips, as this is one of the main parts of my life. Maybe I could use the money to make a new album of my songs. The rest of the money I would split into two parts. I would put the first part in the Bank at interest, and give my friends and needy people the second part. Maybe I would be able to invest money in business or to help their city.

To be honest, I don't like to think about these things like even as if I had a million dollars. Of course, planning is a good practice in our lives, but when it is relevant. I like one of bill Johnson's sayings: neither wealth nor poverty create the heart, they manifest the heart. I agree with this statement.