Автор Анна Евкова
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How to become a good manager

Being a manager can be a demanding job with a lot of responsibility. It’s not always easy but with some practice, leading a team can be one of the most rewarding ventures regardless of your industry.


Being welcoming and easy to talk to are at the core of what makes a good manager. Each team member should be comfortable speaking with their manager, without feeling like they are simply another number in the group. Most people can tell when someone is being fake and isn’t showing true compassion or care.


Being able to take a step back and assess a situation is crucial to managing a team effectively. Instead of pointing a finger of blame when a mistake occurs, a good manager will take the time to determine what went wrong and why. This patient approach will make it easier to solve problems and fix errors.


A good manager proves his or her leadership by openly and honestly communicating with their team. Unless information is deemed confidential to upper management, their teams should be well-informed of company updates and pending changes. Gaining trust is the greatest way to earn respect, which is key to being a good manager.


Success is measured in many different ways, but a strong leader understands exactly what this means for their group. They make it a point to help every team member succeed as an individual, while also focusing on the team as a whole. The ability to motivate an entire group to strive toward a specific goal is a major part of what makes a good manager.

Decision Maker

A good manager must be able to pull information from multiple resources, make a decision, and organize a plan to act on it. It is their responsibility to delegate duties to ensure all tasks are completed correctly and on time. They will be in charge of making many routine decisions on a daily basis, while also making strategic choices when unique circumstances arise.


The attitude within a company, whether it be positive or negative, can be contagious. It is up to the manager to maintain a good vibe in the office to keep team morale high. This mindset will keep people on task and boost productivity.