Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The story of Somerset Maugham left mixed impressions

The story of Somerset Maugham left mixed impressions. At first glance, it seems very simple, but if you grasp a little, it will be very subtle and profound. The family incident described in the story is absolutely ordinary and could happen to anyone. The more interesting it is to read how much the heroine was able to take for herself from this event. Her husband’s escape with the cook becomes a push for Mrs. Albert Forrester, which allows her to discover herself again. Get to know yourself on the other hand and present yourself, friends and readers in a completely different light. It must be said that such a transformation certainly benefited her, even if it looked strange to her bohemian acquaintances. Throughout her life, she was famous for her impeccable language, was "a recognized apologist for pure art," but surprisingly, it was the detective novel that brought her world-wide fame and monetary well-being, which her former poems and prose did not give her.

Maugham can be called a connoisseur of human nature. His portrait characteristics of the characters and author's comments are the main tool for psychological analysis in the story. In this story, Maugham, in particular, mocks the snobbery in literature and the pretentiousness of this circle of people. It is no coincidence that the idea to write a detective novel, a work of low genre, belongs to the cook, Mrs. Bullfinch. The irony becomes for the narrator the main means of transmitting his own emotional and evaluative attitude to the heroine. He mocks literally every feature of her character, appearance and behavior. Take, for example, the image of Mrs. Forrester, her exaggeratedly large features, powerful build and corresponding voice.

As for my personal opinion, I can say with confidence that I really liked this story. It seems to me that in terms of the subtleties of humor and the exact psychological characteristics of Maugham can be compared with Chekhov. Their stories and short stories are read with the same pleasure. Maugham's language is simple, but at the same time very pleasant. I want to read the story for a long time, thoughtfully, enjoying every phrase and every plot twist. This is my first acquaintance with the prose of Maugham, but I will definitely continue it.