Автор Анна Евкова
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How to Become a Good Manager

The term manager is interpreted quite widely, so any definition of it will not be complete. With a certain degree of approximation, we can say that a manager is a person who compiles a system of current and long-term planning, forecasting and orientation of production, sales of products and services in order to make a profit. In other words, a manager is a person who plans to organize, motivate and control production to achieve goals as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the manager must have certain qualities, manners, the ability to skillfully manage the workforce, make the most of the creative abilities of each of the employees, thereby ensuring a flexible response to customer requirements.

In my opinion, the most important qualities that a manager must possess and which he must develop in himself are the following:

- The manager must be a leader worthy of imitation. The main task of the manager is to do business with the help of other people, to achieve teamwork. It means collaboration, not bullying. A good manager is always concerned about the interests of the whole company. He seeks to balance the interest of the group, the interests of the boss and other managers, the need to perform work with the need to find time for training, production interests with the human needs of subordinates.

Leadership cannot be defined by any formula. This is art, skill, ability, talent. Some people possess it by nature. Others learn this. And still others never comprehend this.

In the end, everyone finds his own style. One is dynamic, charming, able to inspire others. The other is calm, restrained in speech and behavior. However, both of them can act with equal efficiency - inspire confidence in themselves and ensure that work is carried out quickly and efficiently.

- The manager should be optimistic. An optimist is always willing to listen to others and their ideas, because he is always waiting for good news. A pessimist listens as little as possible because he expects bad news. An optimist thinks that people are mostly ready to help, have a creative start, and strive for creation. The pessimist believes that they are lazy, obstinate and of little use.

- The manager loves people. If a manager’s job is to manage people, how can he do it well if he doesn’t like people? The best managers care about their employees. They are interested in what others are doing. A good manager is available and does not hide behind the office door. Good managers are humane, they are aware of their own weaknesses, which makes them more tolerant of the weaknesses of others.

- The manager must be brave. He will always try to find a new way to complete the task only because this method is better. But he will never do it unreasonably. If the manager allows one of his subordinates to conduct an experiment and this experiment fails, the manager will not blame his subordinate and will not lose faith in him. When a subordinate makes a mistake, a good manager points him to her to recognize her, and then forgets about it.

- The manager has a wide view. He will never say, "This is not my business." The manager shows great interest in all aspects of the company.

- The manager must periodically demonstrate to his subordinates that he is “not afraid” of hard work, undertaking the implementation of the most difficult projects.

- The manager is always ready to make decisions. When there is all the necessary information, the right decision lies on the surface. It is more difficult when not all initial data are known, and a decision must still be made. After all, it takes real courage to make a decision and be aware that it may be wrong.

- The manager is considerate and attentive. The basic principle: criticize the work, not the person doing it. One wise man said that every critical remark should be packed like a sandwich - between two pieces of praise.

- Justice is also an important feature of the manager. For example, if an employee receives a bonus, and he did nothing to earn it, the manager will probably have a dozen dissatisfied.

- The manager is always honest. Being honest with management is about telling higher managers what they may not always like to hear. To be honest with subordinates is to say when they are right and when they are wrong. Being honest is the ability to admit your mistakes. It is not always easy to tell the truth without prejudice to the feelings of others and not seeming tactless, but honesty in the interests of the common good - the company and its employees - should always be above all.

- The manager is ambitious. He rejoices not only for himself, but also for the achievements of employees and shares their success. He thus inspires others with his enthusiasm and energy, and everyone excels in the service.

- The manager is consistent and modest. He does not need the flattery of others and does not hide his mistakes.