Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Each of us has so many kinds of activity every day throughout life (Second thing – writing a plan)

Each of us has so many kinds of activity every day throughout life. Something of that we doesn’t want to do, something want, and it is what I’m talking about – ours wishes, habits, and finally hobbies.

My favorite kind of performance is veterinary. I like it so much because a several months ago my loved cats was gone and veterinaries were incompetent, I think. This fact could bring me to study this area of medicine. The reason is very simple – truly want to fix it, help them (veterinaries) by yourself!­ It is the really strong motivate for me, but sometimes even that doesn’t enough. I have been dropped the all and can’t continue studying when I want it.

And then first thing that I do in the cases regaining motivation by using the hardest memories to imagine the really bad consequences. Asking myself: do you want it will happen with you someday again? I watch their life photos and then forget about wasting the time… for some time, unfortunately.

Second thing – writing a plan. Plan helps me to save more motivation and control the studying process. Following my progress helps me to move on. The second phase of achieving the main goal promotes me to feel like a fish in water.

Third thing – get started. Step by step the plan, keeping the motivation, reading large texts, delving into meaning of the book, searching more useful information in the internet, discussing with my veterinarian, go ahead to purpose.

Fourth thing – say «no» my weakness and other people more. Sometimes it can be very difficult, but I remember about motivation. Motivation is really important for me to move on. Can say the most important thing in the all process!

Fifths – strive for excellence. To achieve this try not succumb to laziness or loss the fighting spirit. Farther and farther to reach this – be the best owner of my cats in my minds because if I don’t think so would never be giving up.

If something will be wrong, I just do it over and over until achieve the goal.