Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Can you remember the last time you really laughed? What was the reason?

It is scientifically proved that laughter can heal you. We can feel by ourselves how our mood and health change after laughing for a while. Personally speaking, I used to laugh out loud about thousand times. Nevertheless, when it is time to share my the funniest memories, I cannot remember anything. Anyway, let me tell the story that worth to be told and that is able to make you smile.

It was my trip to Paris. I cannot really call it a trip because my team arrived to take part in competition not just to see the city. But it is a detail that does not matter. I was checked into hotel with my friend and a teammate Lina. The time was late and local Europeans were annoyed because of our noise. Of course, after a long way we decided to have dinner and then to take a shower. It was my turn, and when I came in the bathroom, I understood that running water made a lot of noise because of echo. That is why I hesitated for a while. To take shower or not, that was the answer. I did not want to anger our neighbours one more time. Anyway, I started to have a wash. A few minutes later, I heard the knock. I waited for a minute and kept washing. But the sound repeated. It made me sure that I dragged out of the hay our neighbours. I was scared and tried to make myself as little as possible. When I left the bathroom, I saw my friend who was lying on the bed and asked me in sleepy voice: «Why are you so long? ». At that moment, it became clear that she was the person who had knocked. At last, I was relieved and laughed at myself. But Lina could not stop laughing for a long time.