Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


My name is Anastasia Burtseva. I'm 18 years old.

I'm a college student. This year I am finishing my education - secondary special education by profession-bank worker. Initially, my choice fell to the specialty "Banking." As it is a very interesting sphere and all can be developed.

I believe that each person decides for himself who he will be in later life, but in the life of each person there are turning points when fate decides everything for him.

I am sure that "Banking" is my profession. I remember when I was little, I sat in my room and gave my imaginary clients credits for a car, an apartment, knocking out goods through a toy box office.

A banking specialist is a really necessary profession nowadays. If you choose her, you will never regret it.

People unconsciously associate institutions dealing with big money (particularly banks) with the high salaries of their employees. The bank seems to be something of a "money place" in which money will be enough for everyone. I will not completely refute this association, indeed, according to Rosstat, bank employees lead in terms of income. The average salary for the financial industry today is 57,000. Rubles. And the point here, most likely, is not in the "money place" but in the fact that banking institutions are very profitable offices, which earn very good sums.

But high wages are not everything. I also ask you to take into account the prospect of rapid growth. As practice shows, on average the cycle of career growth takes from 1 year to 3 years - thanks to high turnover of personnel, if there is a desire and diligence in work, significant heights can be reached in 6 months. According to statistics, the banking sector is one of the most dynamic in the direction of vertical promotion of personnel.

Also, we should not forget about the prospects for the future. Everyone, regardless of the activities they do, wants to secure a happy future for themselves and their family. When I get my specialty, I can continue my studies in various universities in our country. Bankers are in great demand now. I can be not only a bank employee, but also a bank agent, a cashier, a savings bank controller, an operating officer, a back office specialist, a credit specialist and a financial manager. And that's not all specialties. Anyway, I am definitely not going to be out of a job.

But despite the obvious advantages, working as a banker is dangerous.

Of course, working with finances carries a high responsibility of a material nature. When hiring a bank, the employee not only becomes financially responsible, but also gets access to a significant amount of information about the finances, both customers of the bank and the banking institution itself. The work that involves responsibility for information about finances is quite complex, due to the absence of tangible boundaries between permitted and prohibited data.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can safely say that the banker is a complex and everyone on their own should take dangerous, but interesting and promising work and the decision on whether or not to try in the banking sphere. One thing is indisputable: choosing a profession of a banker, you need to become firm, decisive, confident and extremely cautious.