Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

As you know, the sphere of recreation and leisure is one of the most important areas of our daily life

Moreover, in recent years of economic changes, people in our country are experiencing a kind of"preference revolution"in some sense. What does it mean? For the majority of the country's population, there are more opportunities to engage in their free time. In addition, there are qualitative typological shifts in relation to their personal time, its value as such.

Young people, as a category of the population that most dynamically reacts to everything that is not considered traditional in society, show the greatest activity in the desire to learn and master new opportunities and types of free time. This point is also reinforced by the fact that it is young people who have free time to a much greater extent than the adult part of the population, which is usually engaged in any work activity.

What is free time?

These are all forms and types of people's life activities carried out by them in their free time outside the sphere of social and domestic work,

Thanks to leisure, each individual has the opportunity to restore his physical and moral and spiritual strength, so to speak, to revive his ability to work, and also has a chance to develop those skills and abilities that he simply does not have time to master in the field of work.

If leisure is a form of activity, then it cannot be considered an empty pastime, it is not idleness, but at the same time it should not be treated from the position of "what I want, I do".

Leisure is an activity that is carried out in the direction of certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. Assimilation of cultural values, learning new things, amateur activities, creativity, physical culture and sports, tourism and travel – all these are forms of leisure. And this is not all that a person can do in his spare time. But the combined combination of these forms may indicate the level of leisure culture of young people.

Regular communication, the breadth of social contacts, the peculiarities of leisure preferences that form the type of social life of various groups of modern youth-all these are the most important characteristics of the lifestyle that young people choose. Leisure is one of the most important criteria for self-identification of a young person with a social group and the environment in which he lives.

Is it possible to call youth leisure something completely different from the forms of leisure of other age groups, or is it just an addition to the type of free time that has traditionally developed and is generally recognized in a certain social environment? And those forms of free time that young people prefer simply expand its scope in some respects, but in general they do not try to become something radically new, but follow it as part of the original, so-called mainstream.