Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Any relations should be based on trust

As for me this is one of the most controversial questions. The contemplating of this issue can lasts for hours.

I believe that any relations should be based on trust. Because the feeling of confidence with the person makes us really happy. Nothing can bother you in such a case. All the people wish to have a soulmate. It is the person who understands you like nobody else, who you can tell all of your secrets and who will never betray you. For me hiding the truth or telling lie can be considered as a betrayal. I would not appreciate my friend telling me lie even for good. There can be nothing better than truth. Sometimes it hurts, ruins relations and makes depressed, but this is the only thing that shows a real situation.

Nevertheless I think that not all the people should know the reality. We tell our parents that everything is great when it isn’t. We don’t tell our children that their beloved pat has died. We don’t tell about the mistakes to our boss not to get fired. There are many other situations when we don’t tell truth. It is so called “white lie”. I can accept such situations. Nevertheless I consider lie like a not really good part of a human.

To sum up I can say that a person makes his own choice in each situation. It can be good or bad. We are all different and there are no perfect people. All of us make mistakes. Sometimes we can’t find the strength within ourselves to say the truth. We can be afraid of consequences and it is normal. We are only humans after all.