Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

“An email to a close friend telling your news”

How are you doing? I hope everything is ok with you and your family. I’m pretty fine – for now I’m still living in my country house and going to stay here until first frosts in October. I’m having a really good time here. At the moment, I’m working in the garden for to close the season and to prepare the soil for the winter time. I’ve already finished harvesting recently. My days now are quite similar to each other: in the first part of the day I usually work in the garden or do some housework which is also needed. After having lunch, I open my laptop to answer some letters, and then I have an hour or two for studying. In the evenings I often have my close neighbors round for a meal. We usually make a fire for the barbeque – the meal made on live fire has a special taste, it seems to be more delicious than the food made in the oven.

From time to time I think that it would be nice to move back to the town soon – it’s getting colder and colder each day. Probably in a week or two I’m going to return to my city apartment. Some of my neighbors have already gone back to the town.

Actually, I’m already dying to see you and your family again and can’t wait for the day when we all meet in my cosy kitchen to drink some red wine and to share news. I really miss spending time together in the evenings, as we sometimes did before. It would be so nice if one day you bring your son and your husband together with you. Can’t wait to hear something from you – will you please write me a letter?

That’s all for now.

Let’s keep in touch, I’m hoping to see you very soon!

With much love, S.