Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

All people in our life have goals and aspire to something

The goal is what a person strives for, it makes him move forward. There are many ways to achieve the goal, and they are different. Some people expect help from others and the other part of people work hard to achieve a result.

As for me, I clearly formulate my goal, for example, I write my plans for the near future and look for ways to implement them. My goal was to enter the university six months ago, I read a lot of books for my studies, wrote essays, did my homework and visited tutors. Every day I made a plan for the day in my planner, it disciplined and motivated me. The most difficult thing is to start taking the first steps because sometimes I thought that I got stuck in a rut. I often had situations that could lead to apathy, but I understood that I should try to resist failures and obstacles. It is important to gain new knowledge, listening to smart and experienced people, apply in practice the knowledge obtained and make mistakes because we learn from our failures. All our goals are achievable if we are able to concretize our desires. It is necessary to know what result you want to achieve and what you are working for. I never hoped for luck because we create a better future ourselves, so I have studied and worked hard to achieve my goal.

In conclusion, I want to say that people should track results and not stop there, calculate their time and set the right priorities. When the goal will be achieved, people will have an additional incentive to persevere to move forward and learn something new and implement larger plans. Moreover, all people should remember one wise phrase “only the one who gave up failed”.