Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Субстантивация прилагательных: полная и частичная. Устойчивые сочетания с субстантивированными прилагательными. Словообразование имен прилагательных. Употребление прилагательных с другими частями речи. Синтаксические функции


Introduction: The role and order of adjectives in a sentence

An adjective is one of the main parts of speech that denotes a feature of the subject and answers the questions " what?", " whose?".

Use an adjective with a noun to show its special feature, property, and give additional characteristics of a different nature. It is thanks to adjectives that our speech becomes diverse and emotionally rich.

Unlike adjectives in Russian, in English they do not change either by gender, or by case, or even by numbers.

Just take an adjective and put any noun after it. It's very simple. For example: smart cat, cute kids, hot stuff.

The adjective in the definition function is placed before the noun to which it belongs, and in the function of the nominal part of the compound predicate — after the verb-copula. Here's how it looks for example: I have bought a black cat. (definition). This cat is black. (the nominal part of a compound predicate).

If there are two or more adjectives, then use them in a certain order. In Russian, too, there is such a rule, and it can help you not to get confused. Often the correct order can be set intuitively, but just in case, here are the rules.

The first will be adjectives that show the speaker's attitude (opinion) to the subject: handsome, ugly, luxurious.

The second one uses adjectives that describe the item's parameters (size, characteristics, age, shape, color): black, old, huge .

And before the noun is usually the purpose: kitchen, throwing, educational.

The order of objective adjectives in English with two or more words is organized as follows:

  • Quantity or number.
  • Quality or opinion.
  • Size.
  • Age.
  • Form.
  • Color.
  • Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material).
  • Purpose or qualifier.

Use of the article with adjectives

A noun with a definition expressed by an adjective in the superlative degree is used with a definite article, if the meaning does not require any pronoun. London is the largest city in the UK. My best friend lives in Seattle.

The definite article is retained before the superlative even when the noun is not mentioned (i.e., the noun is implied). The London underground is the most beautiful in the world.

An English sentence whose two parts (separated by commas) begin with an adjective or adverb in a comparative degree with a definite article before it is translated into Russian using the conjunctions "the ..., the ... ": The more we suffer, the stronger we get.

Note: in English, we can use adjectives to make nouns. To do this, we need to add the definite article "the" before the adjective, and we will get the plural word. All the doctors examined the sick. He always used to help the poor. The rich also cry.

Adjectives ending in "- sh" "- ch " (English, French), turning into nouns, are used with the plural meaning to denote the nation as a whole.

In this case, they are preceded by a definite article: the French, the English, the Dutch, the Spanish.

The substantivation of adjectives

Substantiation, the process of transition to the class of nouns of words belonging to other parts of speech.

Some adjectives in English can change their meaning and move to the noun class.

For example, these can be generalized or abstract concepts. As a rule, they are used only in the singular and with a definite article: The mysterious has always attracted people.

However, some of them can also be plural: There are two variables in this equation.

Language names are used without a definite article: Chinese has become one of the most popular languages among European students.

Often substantive adjectives are used to describe groups of people or nationalities, then they are used with the article the: The sick often have no money for treatment.

Substantive adjectives denoting military rank, position, party affiliation, gender, race, and some others can be used both in the singular (with the article a) and plural. He behaves like a superior. My superiors cannot accept such conditions. To look at him, you wouldn't think he used to be a marine. Marines have always been a pride of our fleet.

Word formation of adjectives

First of all, the function of an adjective is to determine the properties, qualities, attributes, characteristics of an object/object / person.

But some suffixes and prefixes give the words an extra meaning, for example, "the absence of any symptom" (the suffix -less, and prefixes un, in, dis, im, il, ir, non), "belonging" (suffixes -ese / -ian, -ern),

the suffix-ful has the meaning "full (of something)", the prefix post is set to "after", the prefix inter is set to "between, mutual" etc.


-y, -ish, -al, -ary, - able (-ible), -ive (-sive), -ant (-ent), -ed, -ous, -ful и -ing (= the presence of certain properties, qualities)

-y – lucky (удачливый), rainy (дождливый), cloudy (облачный), healthy (здоровый)

-ish – sheepish (застенчивый), foolish (глупый), Danish (датский), English (английский), Polish (польский), Scottish (шотландский), also means quality to a minor extent: reddish (красноватый), longish (длинноватый)

-al – colonial (колониальный), industrial (промышленный), personal (персональный)

-ary – customary (обычный), honorary (почётный), legendary (легендарный)

-able / -ible (= capable of performing actions, property) – readable (читабельный), breakable (бьющийся; хрупкий), valuable (ценный), accessible (доступный)

-ive / -sive – active (активный), talkative (болтливый), impressive (впечатляющий), massive (массивный; тяжёлый)

-ant – arrogant (надменный), ignorant (безграмотный), significant (значительный)

-ent – dependent (зависимый), transparent (прозрачный), different (разный)

-ed – educated (образованный), developed (развитый), interested (заинтересованный)

-ous – nervous (нервный), courageous (смелый), poisonous (ядовитый)

-ful – helpful (готовый помочь), wonderful (удивительный), colourful (красочный), joyful (радостный), truthful (правдивый), peaceful (мирный), painful (болезненный), gainful (прибыльный), successful (успешный)

-ing – dancing (танцующий), surprising (удивительный), shocking (шокирующий), amazing (изумительный)

-ic (= belonging to something) – symbolic (символический), titanic (титанический), classic (классический), idiotic (идиотический), acrobatic (акробатический)

-less (= the absence of something) – useless (бесполезный), colourless (бесцветный), leakless (непроницаемый, не имеющий течи), beakless (бесклювый), peakless (безверхий; безвершинный), weedless (свободный от сорняков; незасорённый), cordless (безшнурный; беспроводной)

–ese / -ian (= territorial or national origin) – Portuguese (португальский), Russian (русский), American (американский), Mexican (мексиканский)

-ern (= indication light side) – northern (северный), southern (южный), eastern (восточный), western (западный)

–proof (= has the value "protected (from), secure") – waterproof (водостойкий), weatherproof (устойчивый к атмосферным явлениям), airproof (герметичный)

-like (= has the value "similar to something or someone") - childlike (по-детски невинный), woollike (шерстеподобный), wavelike (волнообразный, волнистый)

–ward (= matters of the direction of movement) – backward (обратный), southward (южный), northward (северный)


un, in, dis, im, il, ir, non (= absence of something)

un – unknown (неизвестный), unofficial (неофициальный)), unpopular (непопулярный)

in – indirect (непрямой), incomplete (неполный)

dis – disproportional (непропорциональный), discouraging (обескураживающий), disconnecting (разъединяющий)

im – impossible (невозможный), imperfect (несовершенный), immortal (бессмертный), immaterial (нематериальный)

il – illogical (нелогичный), illimitable (неограниченный)

ir – irregular (нерегулярный), irreversible (необратимый), irrational (нерациональный)

non – non-ferrous (неметаллический), non-gevernmental (неправительственный)

post (= has the value "after") – post-war (послевоенный), post-operational (послеоперационный)

inter (= is set to "between, mutual") – interdependent (взаимозависимые), interchangeable (взаимозаменяемые), international (международный), interacademic (межакадемический, межвузовский)

Exceptions in adjectives

The following adjectives, whose degrees of comparison are not formed according to the General rule, and their forms should be known by heart.

  • good – better – the best (хороший – лучше – лучший);
  • bad – worse – the worst (плохой – хуже – худший);
  • little – less – the least (маленький – меньше – наименьший);
  • many/much – more – the most (много – больше – наибольший);
  • old – older – the oldest (старый – старше – самый старый);
  • old – elder – the eldest (старый – старше – самый старший) — о членах семьи;
  • late – later – the latest/last (поздний – более поздний – последний/последний по времени);
  • late – the latter – the last (поздний – второй из двух перечисленных – последний по порядку);
  • near – nearer – the nearest (близкий – более близкий – ближайший по расстоянию);
  • near – nearer – next/the next (близкий – более близкий – следующий по времени/следующий по порядку);
  • far – farther – the farthest (дальний – более дальний – самый дальний);
  • far – further – the furthest (дальний, далекий – дальнейший – дальнейший/добавочный).


Adjectives in English are simplified in many ways: they rarely change their form, and they lack case, number, and gender. However, despite their apparent simplicity, they bring expression and emotion to speech and save us from being tongue-tied. The better we master the rules for placing adjectives in a sentence and the degrees of comparison, the more expressive, richer and brighter our speech will be.

List of Internet sources used

  1. Руководство: Словообразование прилагательных в английском языке. URL: https://www.study.ru/courses/pre-intermediate/slovoob..(дата обращения: 29.11.2020)
  2. Руководство: Native English URL: https://www.native-english.ru/grammar/adjectives-nouns(дата обращения: 29.11.2020)
  3. Руководство: EnglisgDom. URL: https://www.englishdom.com/blog/prilagatelnye-v-angli.. (дата обращения: 29.11.2020)