Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How does poetry influence on our mentality



Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.

Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each culture had its own rules. For example, Anglo-Saxon poets had their own rhyme schemes and meters, while Greek poets and Arabic poets had others. Although these classical forms are still widely used today, modern poets frequently do away with rules altogether – their poems generally do not rhyme, and do not fit any particular meter. These poems, however, still have a rhythmic quality and seek to create beauty through their words.

  1. Examples and Explanation

  • Example 1

Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth,

nothing is bred that is weaker than man.

(Homer, The Odyssey)

The Greek poet Homer wrote some of the ancient world’s most famous literature. He wrote in a style called epic poetry, which deals with gods, heroes, monsters, and other large-scale “epic” themes. Homer’s long poems tell stories of Greek heroes like Achilles and Odysseus, and have inspired countless generations of poets, novelists, and philosophers alike.

  • Example 2

Poetry gives powerful insight into the cultures that create it. Because of this, fantasy and science fiction authors often create poetry for their invented cultures. J.R.R. Tolkien famously wrote different kinds of poetry for elves, dwarves, hobbits, and humans, and the rhythms and subject matter of their poetry was supposed to show how these races differed from one another. In a more humorous vein, many Star Trek fans have taken to writing love poetry in the invented Klingon language.

  1. The Importance of Poetry

Poetry is probably the oldest form of literature, and probably predates the origin of writing itself. The oldest written manuscripts we have are poems, mostly epic poems telling the stories of ancient mythology. Examples include the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Vedas (sacred texts of Hinduism). This style of writing may have developed to help people memorize long chains of information in the days before writing. Rhythm and rhyme can make the text more memorable, and thus easier to preserve for cultures that do not have a written language.

  1. How Does Poetry Influence Society

Poetry is often a reflection of a persons innermost thoughts, feelings and desires. This can be personal to each individual. But most importantly it can be interpreted in various ways by society and can have many different reactions. Most poetry is created to evoke a response or a feeling within someone, but not everyone will always agree on your analysis of certain subjects. It’s a useful tool in influencing people because of its emotive and linguistic capture upon its audience. If you can intrigue a person and appeal to them you have a chance of persuading them to your way of thinking or swaying them into your ideas. This can be a most effective writing skill, to touch and to compel a person with mere words is a powerful instrument. Influencing a whole society would be enacting such abilities on a large scale. Would I say that poetry has the means to influence a society? I would be more inclined to say in can persuade, suggest and create discussion. It is believing that a person is not merely a sheep but also has the revenants to form an individual perception.

Poetry is such a genre which makes us understand the reality of life in a ironical way.

Though there is imagination and fantasy it creates an aura among us. When you read a poem it takes us to some different world.

Also it brings deep impact on our minds, though they tried to escape from the bitter realities of life. It portrayed the suffering and pains of life.

It brings a change in the mind of readers because when you read we try to analyse it and tries to relate it with our own life. If a particular poem is about imagination we also started fantasizing those things.

Poetry is a brief way to pass your experience or thoughts about a subject.

It helps in seeing things from a different perspective and appreciates the same. It helps in expressing yourself in a different manner. It helps in a lot of ways. When you write something down, it takes it away from your senses in a way to soothe your mind and calm down.

  1. Conclusion

Maybe in American society poetry has little influence beyond the people who write and read it. I am not sure about present day Russia but poets have been treated as stars there in the past. Huge crowds would turn out to hear prominent poets there. In some Latin countries poets still are revered by large portions of the population.

  1. Bibliography

  • https://literaryterms.net/poetry/
  • https://www.answers.com/Q/How_did_imagism_poetry_influence