Автор Анна Евкова
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History of Sambo


Tradition and the philosophy of Sambo

Sambo — not only a form of combat sport, is a system of education conducive to the development of moral and volitional qualities of man, patriotism and citizenship.

Sambo — the science of defence, not attack. Sambo not only teaches self-defense, but also gives a rich experience, forming a solid male character, fortitude and endurance that are needed in work and social activities.

Sambo promotes the development of self-discipline, creates internal moral support and a strong personal position in achieving life goals. Sambo forms the social base of society, people who are able to stand up for himself, for his family, for the Motherland.

The tradition of Sambo's roots in the culture of the peoples of Russia in national types of wrestling.

History of Sambo - history of Russia

Sambo includes best practice for national martial arts: fisticuffs, Russian, Georgian, Tatar, Armenian, Kazakh, Uzbek struggle; Finnish-French, free-of American, English Lancashire wrestling and cumberlands styles, Swiss, Japanese judo and sumo and other martial arts.

Formation of Sambo had on 1920-e—1930-e years, when the young Soviet state was in dire need of a social Institute, which is designed to protect, to rally active members of society and can be an effective tool of socialization of a huge number of homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

From the very beginning, Sambo developed in two directions: as a mass sport and as an effective means of training for law enforcement agencies.

Since 1923 the Moscow sports society "Dynamo" V. A. Spiridonov cultivates specific application discipline — "self-defense". Based on "Dynamo" took place the study of various martial arts, including national kinds of struggle of the peoples of the world, Boxing and other percussion techniques. This trend was closed and intended solely for the training of Special Forces.

In the same period, actively developing the sport of Sambo, which was originally known under the name of "freestyle wrestling".

A graduate of the Institute of judo of "Kodokan", winner of the second Dana V. S. Oshchepkov began teaching judo as an academic discipline at the Moscow Institute of physical education, however, gradually departs from the canons of judo in search of the most effective techniques is the enrichment and improvement of technology of self-protection, forming the basis of a new kind of martial arts. Over time, the system of self-defense Spiridonova merged with the system Oshchepkova, and with the direct participation of other founders (A. A. Harlampiev, E. M. Chumakov) formed the modern Sambo, preserved in its composition two directions: sports and fighting.

Since its inception, Sambo was seen as an effective means of comprehensive physical development of the individual, increasing his agility, strength, endurance, and tactical thinking education, formation of civil and Patriotic qualities. Already in the 1930s, Sambo was included in the standards of the TRP, developed with the active participation of V. S. Oshchepkov. Millions of Soviet citizens from an early age introduced to the basics of self-defense without weapons, health, and building character.

November 16, 1938 all-Union Committee for physical culture and sports issued the Order № 633 "On the development of freestyle wrestling (Sambo)". "This struggle, — stated in the order, — existing of the most valuable elements of national kinds of struggle of our vast Union, and some of the best techniques from other types of struggle, represents an extremely valuable in its diversity of technology and applied sport". The decision was made to organizations in all the republics of the Soviet Union system of training of athletes, and created the "all-Union section of freestyle wrestling (Sambo)", later Sambo Federation. In the following year held his first national championship in a new sport.

The beginning of the great Patriotic war interrupted the Championships of the USSR. But the war also became a hard test of the viability of Sambo in combat. Athletes and coaches, brought Sambo and honorably defended the country, participated in the preparation of soldiers and officers who fought in the ranks of the army. Wrestlers were awarded military orders and medals, many of them became heroes of the Soviet Union.

With all the active development and growth of the international popularity in the 70-80-ies Sambo was not included in the program of Olympic games.

In 70-80 years, continuing the tradition of mass development, Sambo is widely spread in the universities of the country. Through the Sambo section of the universities and institutes of the Soviet Union, the sports society "Burevestnik" passed a large number of students who now become a successful public figures, sportsmen, military, scientists, make up the active part of the national Association of Sambo. This was carried out active work on development of Sambo in the place of residence and institutions of additional education of a sports orientation, training of highly qualified athletes.

In 1985 was adopted the decree of the USSR State Committee for physical culture and sport "On condition and measures on development of Sambo", which contributed to a significant increase in the number of sports schools, cultivating Sambo, increase in the total number involved, to improve the training of sportsmen of high qualification. Under the auspices of the state Committee of the USSR were held Sambo competitions among military-Patriotic clubs for the prizes of the National Olympic Committee of the USSR. Sambo wrestling was the only sport of the Olympic, which received wide public support.

In 1990-ies was difficult for Sambo period. In the context of the restructuring of particular popularity of different types of martial arts, which greatly contributed to Western cinema, and promote effective methods of karate, Aikido, Wushu, etc. were previously banned by the state; these martial arts have become particularly attractive to the public. But in the late 1990s — early 2000-ies there is the emergence of a new discipline — combat Sambo .

In combat Sambo allowed to use the techniques of the sport of Sambo, as well as actions prohibited by the competition rules of all available martial arts (including striking techniques).

The formation and development of combat Sambo allowed objectively to evaluate the effectiveness of Sambo in the background of various types and styles of martial arts, has become a powerful stimulus for the improvement of Sambo. In 2001 took place the first championship of Russia on fighting Sambo. In 2002, the RF State Committee for physical culture and sport issued a decree on approval of the new discipline of combat Sambo.

In combat Sambo allowed to use the techniques of the sport of Sambo, as well as actions prohibited by the competition rules of all available martial arts (including striking techniques).

2000 years were a time of active development of Sambo in the first place by strengthening regional federations of Sambo, raising the level of public support, increased funding, improvement of the level of training of athletes, development of sports events.

In 2003, the decision of the state Committee of the Russian Sambo officially recognized as a NATIONAL AND PRIORITY SPORT in Russian Federation.

Today in Russia Sambo is among the most popular sports. Due to their availability (does not require expensive sports facilities and equipment) and its role in social life, Sambo is developing in 80 subjects of the Russian Federation.

Sambo is practiced more than 200 thousand Russians, including 60 thousand young athletes in 589 branches of sports schools and clubs all over Russia.

Every year more than 12 thousand athletes comply with the regulations of mass sports categories.

Every year at the national level is held more than 150 competitions — the Championships of Russia among men and women championship among juniors, boys, juniors and girls among veterans and harm among students; the Cup of Russia tournament devoted to memory of outstanding sportsmen of the country, significant dates in the history of the Fatherland. Deeply symbolic was the annual Day in one of the hero cities international youth Sambo tournament "Victory" among teams of the hero-cities and Federal districts. In Russia regularly hosts prestigious international tournaments such as the Cup of the President of the Russian Federation in Sambo, the world super Cup "memorial A. Harlampiev" and others. Russia has repeatedly honored to accept the European and world Championships.

Sambo is an integral part of physical and special training of the personnel of Russian power structures. So, Sambo is used for the preparation of the MVD, FSB, and GRU.

Regularly championship of the MVD, GUVD, UVD of the subjects of the Russian Federation; in 2010, it was first combined with the championship of educational institutions of the MIA of Russia. Also, since 2010 is the championship of FSB of Russia.

For the first time the celebration of the all-Russia day of Sambo took place in 2008, when our sport was 70 years old. The celebrations were held as one big event — the anniversary of Sambo on the red square in Moscow. Thus, in our country was the beginning of a wonderful tradition — the celebration of the all-Russia day of Sambo. A little time has passed and the celebrations have become popular in all regions of Russia. Now this is the largest number of participants and geographical coverage of the event on Sambo. It is not only the most massive tournament, but also socially significant event allow you to attract children to sports and youth.

The national team of Russia on Sambo supports the prestige of the Motherland in the international arena, confidently gaining victory in the team standings. The Russians regularly weight categories of the Russian athletes are the strongest in the international sports arena.become prizewinners of Championships of Europe and the world, and in many

Glorified his form of martial arts the Deserved master of sports - world Champions Murat Khasanov and Irina Rodina, the eight-time world champion Svetlana Galyant, seven-time world champion Rais Rakhmatullin, six times world champion Sergey Lopovok, four-time world champion in combat Sambo, the repeated world champion on fights of the mixed style Fedor Emelianenko , winners of the First World martial arts games Marianna Alieva, Ekaterina Onoprienko and Bair Omoktuyev (combat Sambo).

Sambo in the world

Olympic prospects one of the greatest accomplishments of the past decades has been the formation of a cohesive community of Sambo. In Russia and in the world thousands of people, past and living Sambo, United by its values, principles and ideals. Availability, entertainment, and high efficiency of Sambo as a martial art allowed him to win wide international recognition. Today Sambo is practiced by people all around the world and on different continents — in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Australia. In 92 countries operate national Sambo Federation and 12 countries are candidates for membership in the International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS).

At present Sambo is a solid Foundation for active development.

Sambo was included in the official program of the World games of fighting arts "SportAccord"and the world summer Universiade 2013, along with Olympic sports.

The types of combat Sambo

Sambo is divided into two types: Sambo sport and combat.

Sports Sambo – wrestling with a large Arsenal of painful and suffocating receptions, as well as shots used in a rack and in orchestra seats. Combat Sambo (adopted by special units of the Ministry of interior and Ministry of defense) in addition to the fighting techniques include striking techniques, weapons, special equipment: bondage, escort, etc.

Sambo ("self-defense without weapons"), a form of combat sport, and a comprehensive system of self-defense. Is divided into two types: Sambo sport and combat. Sports Sambo – wrestling with a large Arsenal of painful and suffocating receptions, as well as shots used in a rack and in orchestra seats. Combat Sambo (adopted by special units of the Ministry of interior and Ministry of defense) in addition to the fighting techniques include striking techniques, weapons, special equipment: bondage, escort, etc.

Wrestlers must have a high level of vestibular stability, to be able to keep his balance with the sudden violation of contact of the legs with the support (the carpet) during throws, jerks, tremors.

Saving energy, combating fatigue and maintaining a concentrated effort achieved in a timely manner ability to relax muscles, to free the nervous system from undue stress, to reallocate effort and attention. Through special psychology autogenic training autosuggestion Sambo master the techniques of short-term muscle relaxation and to restore balance of nervous processes.

One who chooses to struggle by means of their physical development need to critically assess your body type, proportion, weight, and power quality. For example, the length of arms affects the quality of the shots: fighters with shorter limbs are more relative strength and more effectively carry out shots.

Every young person can choose their form of struggle corresponding to the totality of inherent characteristics of physique, mental qualities, aptitudes, motor abilities. Having mastered the school of Sambo as an applied kind of martial arts, he can try his hand at other types of fighting.

Physical training of wrestlers, and wrestlers from other schools, requires the use of exercise from team sports, athletic gymnastics and athletics for the full and harmonious development of all body functions.

Conditions of the competition

Sambo is an international style of fighting, including techniques of various types of struggle. Sambo is a harmonious part of the system of SAMBO (self defense without weapons), which was established in the 20-30-ies of the last century in the Soviet Union (Spiridonov V. A., Oshchepkov V. S., A. A. Harlampiev, etc.). Combat Sambo is the sports section of the system and therefore the methods and means to achieve victory in the competition are limited and are subject to the Rules.

Competitions in combat Sambo are held both among men and among women. Competition in nature can be personal, team, individual-team and classification (outdoor carpet). Athletes compete in their age group in a certain weight category, i.e. uncle 30 years, will never fight in competition with a teenager 12 years, and the same uncle weighing 100 kg, will not compete in the competitions with uncle weight of 52 kg. But at the same time, in training you can see matches between wrestlers of various ages and weight classes is an essential element of training in Sambo.

Before each competition, the athletes undergo the weighing procedure which determines in which weight category will fight wrestler, is his age the age of the participants, including competitions, sports qualification which has a wrestler which club, society, school, he acts, who he trains, as well as medical admission to the competition. After the procedure of weighing is a draw, in which the determined number for each athlete and will fight with anyone a particular athlete in the first round of the competition.

The gear fighters are the shoes, pants, jacket and belt. The color scheme of the clothing of the wrestlers not rich enough, it can be blue and red, less often white.

The fight itself takes place on a special carpet mats tightly shifted, the diameter of which is from ten to thirteen meters, and the active part of it – from 6 to 9 meters.

The wrestlers on the Mat during the match is the referee, and close to it a few representatives of the judiciary. These people assess the actions of the wrestlers on the carpet and watch the fight. They are also just as athletes have their own equipment.

Near the carpet needs to be a competent medic in case of injury of the athlete.

The fight of Sambo lasts according to age groups from 3 to 5 minutes. At this time, the opponents have an opportunity to make all sorts of throws, painful holds and grabs.

Start the fight the fighters in the standing position, but in the course of the match can be in different positions. The main objective is to throw the contender on a carpet, and at the same time to remain standing on his feet.

The success of the techniques the judges will assign points to athletes. The wrestler with the greater total score is declared the winner, but this is only the case if one of the fighters not win a clear victory.

There is in Sambo and their inhibitions. So, can not strike, scratch, bite, throw the opponent on the head, to carry out any techniques that impede the breath, hold the locks in the position "standing". It is also prohibited to touch the person to use in a duel elbows, to carry out painful receptions on the spine.

Over Sambo competitions most pleasant moment - traditional award winners.

List of source used

  • Sambo.ru
  • Osoznanie.org\1323-istoria-vozniknoveniya-sambo.html
  • Sambo.spb.ru
  • Sclubs.ru