Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Понятие хозяйственного учета



Актуальность изучения данной темы непосредственно связано с тем, что в современных условиях развития экономики требования к бухгалтерскому учету более жесткие и перечень их гораздо шире, чем это имело место в условиях затратной экономики. Прежде всего, это связано с переориентацией целей управления на конечный результат деятельности организации - получение прибыли.

Предметом данной работы является процесс хозяйственной деятельности на предприятии.

Целью данной работы является необходимость охарактеризовать понятие хозяйственного учета.

Отдельные задачи, решаемые в хозяйственном учете, можно обобщить следующим образом:

1. Документирование событий, происходящих в ходе финансово-хозяйственного процесса на предприятии.

2. Предоставление внешним адресатам (акционерам, кредиторам, общественности и государству) достоверной и полной информации о финансовом состоянии предприятия.

3. Расчетное обоснование управленческих решений, принимаемых на предприятии.

Учет, как вид деятельности, известен с древних времен. В широком смысле слова учет означает регистрацию каких-либо фактов и явлений. Можно говорить об учете движения звезд (астрономия), учете изменений окружающей среды (экология) и т.д. В узком смысле слова учет ограничен рамками производственной деятельности человека.

Хозяйственный учет является основой управления хозяйственными процессами. Он необходим для того, чтобы получать сведения о снабжении, производстве, обмене и распределении для осуществления управленческих функций.

В системе учёта информация о расходах и доходах предприятия является чрезвычайно ценной, многогранной и быстротечной. По значению для её пользователей она занимает место наряду с информацией об активах, обязательствах и капитале предприятия.

Учёт доходов и расходов предприятия постоянно развивается и улучшается в связи с усовершенствованием компьютерной техники и коммуникационной среды, методологии и организации бухгалтерского учёта как основного информационного источника о расходах и доходах предприятия.

Вопросам учёта доходов и расходов предприятия уделяли достаточно внимания как отечественные, так и зарубежные учёные, а также практики (руководители предприятий, менеджеры, финансисты, налоговые работники, бухгалтера и др.). Однако эти вопросы настолько широкие и глубинные, что были и остаются актуальными для многих научных поисков.

1. Общая характеристика хозяйственного учета

1.1 История развития и сущность хозяйственного учета

Первый этап учета решал задачи качественного определения вещей и их подсчета, который являлся этапом так называемого инвентарного счета. Практика учета состояла в том, что в определенные периоды времени производился пересчет всех видов имущества и производились соответствующие пометки (записи).

Записи осуществлялись в виде зарубок на отдельных предметах-бирках или в виде шнуровых плетений. Разные бирки или разные цвета шнуров соответствовали определенным категориям вещей. Позднее появились записи в виде специальных символов на глиняных табличках или на папирусе. Это были прообразы первичных бухгалтерских документов.

Периодичность инвентарного счетa была различной. Например, в древнем Египте в III веке до нашей эры учет был ежедневным с определением остатков по всем видам материальных ценностей[1].

Однако простая фиксация качественного и количественного состава имеющихся предметов, вещей и рабочей силы через некоторое время уже перестала удовлетворять общество, так как необходимо было знать их поступление и расход. Поэтому появился приходно-расходный учет, при котором сложились определенные правила записей. Так, в Месопотамии во II веке до нашей эры записи по приходу материальных ценностей содержали следующие сведения: количество и вид поступивших предметов; имя лица, от которого они поступили; имя получателя; дата поступления.

Эти сведения лежат в основе приходных документов и в современной бухгалтерии.

После освоения приходно-расходного учета, человечество стало решать следующую весьма сложную проблему - учет расчетов между отдельными субъектами, трудность которого состояла в определении степени эквивалентности отдельных вещей и предметов. Эта проблема была преодолена с появлением денег, породивших, в свою очередь, проблему обмена разных денег - "пересчета валют" в современном понимании. Эта задача на первом этапе решалась взвешиванием денег, а затем весовой эквивалент уступил место счетному.

Дальнейшее развитие общества привело к необходимости подведения итогов экономической деятельности хозяйствующего субъекта к определенным датам. Стали выделять остатки материальных ценностей и долговых обязательств к этим датам, то есть возникли зачатки кассовой и Главной книги.

Примерно в VI веке до нашей эры появились банки. Первоначально они хранили металлические деньги и выдавали ссуды. Записи в банках велись в приходно-расходных книгах и книгах расчетов с отдельными клиентами.

Развитие торгово-экономической и банковской деятельности сопровождалось появлением большого количества долговых обязательств и требований по ним. Сложности их учета и трудности по обеспечению выполнения обязательств приводили к многочисленным тяжбам и судебным разбирательствам. Это потребовало интенсивного включения в бухгалтерский учет юридических норм и правил. Особое влияние оказало римское право, расцвет которого пришелся на II - I веках до нашей эры. Основополагающие постулаты римского права сохранили свою значимость в бухгалтерском учете до настоящего времени: за все надо платить; закон обратной силы не имеет; при взаимоисключающих законах нельзя применять ни один из них.

В римской империи II века нашей эры учет вплотную подошел к понятию бухгалтерских проводок. Тогда же появились и термины "дебет" и "кредит". Но оставалось много насущных нерешенных проблем. В частности, отсутствовали приемы подсчета расходов на изготовление продукции, не было представления о том, как учитывать в производственной деятельности предметы и устройства длительного действия. По современным представлениям не было понимания калькуляции продукции и амортизации основных средств. В средние века, по мере дальнейшего наращивания темпов экономической жизни, в бухгалтерском учете появилась необходимость группировать однотипные предметы и хозяйственные действия. Возникли понятия счетов и регистров. Счета использовались для обозначения (кодировки) материальных ценностей и хозяйственных операций, а регистры для их специальных записей. С XIII века факты совершения хозяйственных операции стали заносить в специальный журнал - журнал хозяйственных операций, который вели как отдельно, так и в комбинации с записями по счетам. Это привело к появлению специализированной формы бухгалтерского учета, которая является аналогом современной формы учета под названием "Журнал-Главная".

Сформировались специальные требования для оформления журнала хозяйственных операций, сохранившие свою актуальность и сегодня: производить записи в порядке возрастания дат; не допускать пропусков хозяйственных операции; делать ссылки на первичные документы; записывать цифры прописью, чтобы избежать подделок.

XV век отмечен важным достижением в бухгалтерском учете - появлением двойной записи. Смысл ее прост и заключается в том, что при оформлении хозяйственной операции происходит перевод материальных ценностей или долговых обязательств с одного счета на другой. Реализация этой идеи на практике стала одним из важнейших приемов бухгалтерского учета, приблизившего его к науке, а также существенно облегчившего проведение расчетов. Авторство двойной записи принадлежит итальянскому монаху-математику Л. Пачоли (1494 г.).

С момента появления двойной записи бухгалтерский учет приобрел вид стройной и логичной системы, включающей в себя: инвентарный счет, приходно-расходные операции и расчеты между должниками и их кредиторами. Объемы учета существенно выросли, появилась необходимость вести его в двух видах: более общем (синтетическом) и более подробном (аналитическом). Потребовался специальный учет валютных операций. Появилось большое количество специфических терминов. Сведений в регистрах и книгах не стало хватать для подведения итогов хозяйственной деятельности, они стали дополняться всевозможными описаниями.

В XVI веке определился юридический статус профессии бухгалтера, к которой предъявлялись следующие требования: уметь быть умным; иметь хороший характер; владеть четким почерком; иметь профессиональные знания; быть властолюбивым и честолюбивым; быть честным.

Тогда же введено понятие амортизации средств труда и появились представления о разных формах счетоводства.

В XVII веке бухгалтерский учет дополнен понятием баланса, использование которого привело к тому, что учет приобрел законченный вид. Балансом назвали форму отчета о хозяйственной деятельности, которая содержала в себе описание материальных ценностей, имущественных и иных прав субъекта или объекта с описанием источников их поступления или возникновения.

Бухгалтерская профессия распространяется повсеместно, но ее престиж является еще не слишком высоким. В то время как сами же профессионалы оценивали ее достаточно высоко и предсказывали ей достойное будущее. Испанский специалист Б. Солозано пишет в 1603 г.: "Бухгалтерский учет стоит выше всех наук и искусств, ибо все нуждаются в нем, а он ни в ком не нуждается; без бухгалтерского учета мир был бы неуправляем, и люди не смогли бы понимать друг друга". Последующие XVIII-XIX века превратили бухгалтерский учет в науку. Австрийский специалист Ф. Скубиц в 1889 г. дал ей следующее определение: "Бухгалтерия - это деятельность, направленная к тому, чтобы изобразить в числах весь ход и все состояние предприятия согласно предложенным целям". Появилась специальная наука: балансоведение, сформулировавшая следующие основные требования к бухгалтерскому балансу предприятия: точность; полнота; ясность; правильность; преемственность; единство для всех подразделений. Таким образом, история бухгалтерского учета насчитывает много веков, в развитие которого каждая страна внесла свою достойную лепту. Кроме общих принципов и положений, используемых повсеместно, в бухгалтерском учете возникли и развились национальные научные школы и направления, отражавшие экономические и геополитические особенности отдельных стран. История развития российской бухгалтерии также имеет много своих ценных находок и разработок. Ее специалисты всегда занимали видное место среди мировых звезд бухгалтерского учета. Особенности русской бухгалтерской школы выявлялись и развивались вместе с развитием российского государства. К этим особенностям можно отнести следующие: централизованный и государственный подходы к учету; сильная социальная политика с уравнительными тенденциями и круговой порукой; максимально полный охват в учете каждого индивидуума как субъекта трудовых отношений и как налогоплательщика; высокая точность взаиморасчетов между отдельными хозяйствующими субъектами и объектами; приоритет обязательств перед вышестоящими хозяйствующими субъектами и объектами; максимальная экономия затрат; скрупулезность при оформлении отчетных документов[2].

На сегодняшний день хозяйственный учет - это количественное измерение и качественная характеристика хозяйственных явлений и процессов с целью контроля и управления ими.

В хозяйственном учете применяется три вида учетных измерителей: натуральные; трудовые; денежные (стоимостные)

Натуральные измерители необходимы для получения сведений об объектах учета в натуральном выражении. Измерители зависят от физических свойств объектов и выражаются в метрах, тоннах, килограммах, литрах, штуках и т.д. Трудовые измерители используются для подсчета количества затраченного труда и выражаются в рабочих днях, часах, минутах и т.д. Денежные измерители необходимы для учета объектов в едином однородном измерении - в рублях. Все элементы учёта по функциональности образовывают в целом определённую целостность, в которой появляются определённые интегральные свойства, характерные для системы в целом, но не присущие ни одному из её отдельных элементов. Целостность учётной системы - принципиальная несводимость свойств системы к сумме свойств элементов каждого элемента от его места и функций внутри системы. Таким образом, функциональность учётной системы обеспечивает её целостность и право на существование. Взаимосвязь системы управления субъектами хозяйствования и системы бухгалтерского учёта можно считать одним из свойств функционирования учётной системы, внешней характеристикой системы учёта, которая в значительной мере влияет на её свойства, т.е. внутренние характеристики.

1.2 Виды хозяйственного учета

Система хозяйственного учета представляет собой совокупность статистического, налогового, оперативного и бухгалтерского учета.

Статистический учет - это система сбора и обработки данных о системе хозяйственного учета представляет собой совокупность статистического, налогового и бухгалтерского учета массовых хозяйственных и общественных явлениях не только в рамках предприятия, но и в регионе, стране, мире. Статистический учет производственных процессов тесно связан с бухгалтерским учетом, так как имеет одну информационную основу. Его данные используются для экономического анализа и прогнозирования на перспективу[3]. В статистических исследованиях широко используются выборочный метод наблюдения и регистрации, единовременный учет и переписи, а также данные оперативного и бухгалтерского учета. Статистический учет ведется специалистами, работающими в специализированных организациях (комитетах по статистике), которые создаются и объединяются по территориальному признаку. Предприятия и организации представляют в комитеты по статистике специальную отчетность по утвержденным формам. Налоговый учет - это система обобщения информации для определения налоговой базы по налогу на основе данных первичных документов, сгруппированных в соответствии с порядком, предусмотренным Налоговым кодексом. Данное определение содержится в статье 313 Налогового Кодекса Российской Федерации.

При этом все налогоплательщики определяют налоговую базу на прибыль за налоговый период - календарный год и за отчетный период - первый квартал, полугодие, девять месяцев (статья 285 Налогового Кодекса Российской Федерации). Цель налогового учета - формирование полной и достоверной информации о порядке учета хозяйственных операций для целей налогообложения в течение отчетного (налогового) периода, а также обеспечения пользователей этой информации для контроля за правильностью расчета налогов, полнотой и своевременностью их уплаты.

Система налогового учета организуется налогоплательщиком самостоятельно исходя из принципа последовательности применения норм и правил налогового учета.

Налоговый учет объектов и хозяйственных операций ведется следующим образом: отдельные объекты и операции учитываются по данным бухгалтерского учета, если порядок налогового учета совпадает с бухгалтерским учетом этих объектов и операций, то есть налоговая база может определяться по данным соответствующих бухгалтерских регистров; если порядок налогового учета отдельных объектов и операций отличается от бухгалтерского учета этих объектов и операций, то налоговая база определяется по данным налогового учета, которые не совпадают с данными бухгалтерского учета;специфика налогового учета отдельных объектов и операций, по которым предусмотрена вариантность учета в соответствии с налоговым законодательством, оформляются в учетной налоговой политике организации, утверждаемой приказом (распоряжением) руководителя.

Оперативный учет - это система ежедневного сбора хозяйственной информации, уточняющей данные бухгалтерского учёта о себестоимости и выпуске продукции, расходе фонда заработной платы, рентабельности и ряда других показателей делового цикла. Посредством оперативного учёта осуществляется своевременное обобщение числовых данных в документах первичного бухгалтерского учёта и соблюдается принцип ажура. Высокая оперативность данного вида учёта обеспечивается за счёт краткости и быстроты, поскольку оперативный учёт не предполагает обязательности документирования операций.

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

ly. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b"

de, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

us bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

Метод оперативного учёта состоит в непосредственном наблюдении хозяйственных операций, причём также и тех, которые невозможно непосредственно отразить в бухгалтерском учёте ― таких, как: явка работников, нагрузка на производственные мощности, простои, режим технологического процесса, характер брака. Специфика этого метода объясняет тот факт, что в оперативно-техническом учёте чаще всего применяются натуральные и трудовые измерители[4].

Бухгалтерский учет - это система непрерывного и взаимосвязанного наблюдения и контроля хозяйственной деятельности организации с целью получения текущих и обобщенных показателей. Бухгалтерский учет имеет свои особенности, которые отличают его от других видов учета: осуществляется только на основании документов, оформленных в соответствии с требованиями законодательства; непрерывен по времени (изо дня в день); сплошной по охвату операций (без пропусков каких-либо фактов хозяйственной жизни); использует свои особые способы обработки данных (бухгалтерские счета, двойную запись, баланс и т.д.)

В бухгалтерском учете используют все виды измерителей, однако, особое значение приобретает денежный измеритель. Бухгалтерский учет является информационной основой управления. Показатели, представленные в бухгалтерской отчетности, предназначены не только для внутренних, но и для внешних пользователей (Таблица 1).

Таблица 1

Характеристика пользователей бухгалтерской отчетности

Внутренние пользователи

Требования к информации

Внешние пользователи

Требования к информации

Руководители различных уровней управления

Для принятия управленческих решений необходима как отчетная, так и текущая информация в денежном и в натуральном выражении


Нуждаются в информации о наличии и движении имущества, финансовых результатах деятельности для оценки величины дивидендов и иных доходов от участия в капитале, в оценке рисков инвестиций


Оценка возможных дополнительных выплат или социальных программ за счет прибыли

Государственные служащие

Для формирования проектов доходов и расходов бюджетов различных уровней и оценки эффективности целевых программ

Налоговые органы

Для контроля за правильностью и своевременностью уплаты налогов

Представители страховых компаний

Для оценки страховых рисков и разработки новых пакетов страховых услуг


Оценка потенциальных работодателей, возможность выгодного приобретения ценных бумаг организации и т.п.

Банки и иные кредитные организации

Оценка кредитоспособности заемщиков

Поставщики и иные кредиторы

Оценка платежеспособности

Покупатели и клиенты

Оценка возможности длительных и выгодных отношений, конкурентоспособности и т.п.

2. Общее понятие и основные положения бухгалтерского учета

2.1 Понятие бухгалтерского учета

Бухгалтерский учёт - упорядоченная система сбора, регистрации и обобщения информации в денежном выражении о состоянии имущества, обязательств организации и их изменениях (движении денежных средств) путём сплошного, непрерывного и документального учёта всех хозяйственных операций.

Предметом бухгалтерского учета в обобщенном виде выступает финансово-хозяйственная деятельность организации. В более конкретном содержании он состоит из многочисленных и разнообразных объектов, которые могут объединяться в две группы:

• объекты, обеспечивающие хозяйственную деятельность организации;

• объекты, составляющие хозяйственную деятельность организации.

К первой группе относятся имущество организации, состоящее из различных видов средств и обязательств, а ко второй - хозяйственные процессы и их результаты.

Для эффективного использования активов необходимо знать, какие его виды имеются в организации и как они размещены, а также источники образования этого имущества и их целевое назначение. Поэтому необходима классификация имущества в двух разрезах:

1) по составу и размещению;

2) по источникам образования и назначению.

По составу и размещению имущество можно подразделить на следующие основные группы: внеоборотные активы, оборотные активы и отвлеченные активы.

Внеоборотные активы подразделяются на основные средства и нематериальные активы. В группу основных средств входят: здания, сооружения, производственные машины, оборудование, транспортные средства, вычислительная техника и др. В процессе использования основные средства постепенно изнашиваются и их стоимость включается в себестоимость продукции (работ, услуг) частями путем начисления амортизации.

Нематериальные активы - объекты долгосрочного пользования, имеющие стоимостную оценку, но не являющиеся вещественными ценностями (право на патентообладателя на патенты, изобретения, промышленные образцы, а также иные имущественные права на объекты интеллектуальной собственности). Нематериальные активы, как и основные средства, переносят свою первоначальную стоимость на затраты производства в течение срока их пользования[5].

К внеоборотным активам можно условно отнести вложения во внеоборотные активы - средства, находящиеся в пока что неоконченном строительстве, вложенные в приобретение, реконструкцию внеоборотных активов, модернизацию и техническое перевооружение.

Причем часть внеоборотных активов может быть отвлечена или передана во временное пользование другим организациям, например по договорам аренды. В эту группу можно отнести отложенные налоговые активы, образовавшиеся в результате возникновения разницы по данным бухгалтерского и налогового учета.

Оборотные активы подразделяются на следующие группы: материально-производственные запасы, денежные средства, финансовые активы и средства в расчетах.

Значительную часть оборотных активов составляют материально-производственные запасы: материалы, готовая продукция, незавершенное производство и товары.

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

ly. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b"

de, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

us bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

Among the criteria for distinguishing individual crimes of this group the first two relate to the field of object of crime, third and fourth - to the objective side, the next three - to the subjective side, the eighth - to the subject of the crime and the ninth - the composition of crime in general.

On the first criterion, the unit - especially the object of crime - delimited:

a) Special aggravating circumstances intentional infliction of serious bodily injury that resulted in the death of the victim (Art. 4, Art. 111 of the Criminal Code). Crime infringes on two immediate object - public relations, providing life and social relationships underpinning human health;

b) all other compounds (basic, skilled and highly skilled) crime of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (h respectively. 1, 2 and 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code), characterized by only one - the last of these - the object.

The second single criterion - the features that characterize the victim - allows to distinguish between:

a) qualified offenses of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and torture (respectively p. "and" h. 2, Art. 111, n. "b" h. 2, Art. 112 and n. "b" h. 2, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code), in which the victim is a person who performs official duties or performing a public duty, or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

The relevant legal and reasonable qualification of crimes is provided by not only establishing set of objective and subjective features inherent to each of them, but a precise definition of their composition. As rightly pointed VN Kudryavtsev, "setting the characteristic features of this act, rejecting those features that are not inherent to it, gradually deepening and analysis of legal norms and the factual circumstances of the offense, we arrive at a single set of attributes describing the offense and distinguish it from others."

Differentiation of crimes against human health, responsibility for which is set Art. 111-115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code - the most important condition for the correct qualification of crimes of this group, as compositions of these crimes are related: that "offenses, differing in one or more of the grounds and in need of delimitation."

Signs of serving to distinguish offenses relate to different elements of these compositions. Given the large number of crimes against human health and the even greater number of compositions (if we consider all the basic, skilled, very skilled and preferred formulations of these crimes) and recognizing each of them is independent, it is unlikely to carry out a rational delimitation of each composition separately from each of the following , and the resulting listing in each case the totality of dividing signs (ie the first composition from the second, third, fourth, etc., the second from the third, fourth, fifth, etc.), because this method is very cumbersome , uneconomical and inefficient.

It is more logical to use another method, which consists in distinguishing first group consisted of crimes against human health, with common symptoms, and then individual formulations of these crimes.

Based on the proposed method, the criteria for distinguishing the crimes against human health, or demarcation signs, it is appropriate to allocate conditionally into three groups:

1) general - a criteria to distinguish between the major groups, including the other, of crimes;

2) individual - a criteria to distinguish between basic and preferred formulations of crimes and offenses provided for general and special norms;

3) unit - a criteria to distinguish between basic, skilled and highly skilled compositions of the same type of crime or the qualified and highly qualified offenses between themselves in one type of crime.

Division considered the criteria for these types creates, in my view, an opportunity to make a distinction from the general to the particular, and thereby avoid repetition, which can hinder the perception of differences between the crime.

The general criteria for demarcation of crimes against human health need to include: a) the nature of the harm caused to human health; b) the severity of the harm; c) the form of guilt; g) the age of the perpetrator.

The individual criteria: a) the features characterizing the victim, including his actions and behavior; b) the form and content of the act; c) the situation (condition) of the crime; d) particularly intent; e) The features that characterize the special subject.

For a single criteria: a) the particular object of the crime; b) the features that characterize the victim; c) the content of the act; g) the degree of bodily harm; d) method of the crime; e) characteristics of guilt, particularly intent; g) motive; h) purpose; i) the features that characterize the special subject; k) features characterizing complicity in the crime.

The presence of a differentiating feature necessitates the application of criminal law, which provided for this feature.

From the general criteria specified delineation first two characterize the objective side, the third - the subjective side, and the fourth - the subject of the crimes in question.

The first common criterion - the nature of the harm caused to human health, - allows to distinguish between offenses in which the result is expressed in the form of injuries, consisting of violating anatomic integrity of organs and tissues and their physiological functions or disease except STD and HIV infection or pathological condition resulting from exposure to various environmental factors: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, psychic. In other words, allocated offenses described in the article. 111 - 115, 117, 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code, and offenses in which the result is expressed in disease venereal disease or HIV infection resulting from exposure to biological factors of the environment (they are provided by Art. 121, ch. 2, 3, 4, Art. 122 of the Criminal Code).

The second general criterion - the severity of harm to human health - is to distinguish offenses, which is expressed as a consequence of, firstly, grievous bodily harm, and secondly, of moderate bodily harm, or third, minor harm to human health. The first group of offenses referred to in Art. 111, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, Art. 114, h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of grievous bodily harm), h. 1, 2 tbsp. 118, h. 3 tablespoons. 123 or h. 2 tablespoons. 124 of the Criminal Code; second - Art. 112, 113 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm), h. 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code (in the actual infliction of moderate bodily harm) or white. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Criminal Code; third - Art. 115 or 117 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the severity of injury in the form of the disease are divided compositions of infection with venereal disease and HIV infection established respectively in Art. And 121 h. 2, 3, 4 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code.

The third general criterion - a form of guilt - makes it possible to distinguish between crimes against human health, committed, on the one hand, deliberately, on the other - by negligence. The compositions of these crimes, the subjective side of which is characterized by fault in the form of intention, described in the article. 111-115, 117, 121, ch. 2, 3 tbsp. 122 of the Criminal Code, and in the form of negligence - Art. 118 h. 4 Art. 122, h. 3 tablespoons. 123, Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, the fourth general criterion - the age of the perpetrator - are different:

a) offenses of intentional infliction of serious and severe harm in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih under Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, the subject of which is a person who has reached at the time the crime was committed 14 years of age;

b) offenses of intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator of a crime of bodily harm , torture, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, venereal diseases or HIV, inadvertently causing grievous bodily harm as a consequence of illegal abortion and negligently causing moderate or serious harm to health as a result of non-assistance to the patient (respectively Art. 113 h . 1, 2, Art. 114, Art. 115, 117, 118, 121, ch. 2-4 Art. 122, h. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code), the subject of which is the person who has attained 16 years age.

Thus, offenses against human health, provided the listed articles of the Criminal Code, are differentiated from each other in one or more of the general criteria. For example, the offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm differ only by one criterion - the degree of severity of the harm; mentioned offenses and related offenses causing serious or moderate bodily harm through negligence - according to two criteria - the form of guilt and age of the perpetrator, and so on. d. A comparison of the crimes under consideration for several general criteria for each pair of specific offenses characterized by the fact or some combination of these criteria.

Of the various criteria related to the area of ​​the first object, the next two - to the objective side, the fourth - to the subjective side, and five - to the subject of crime.

On the first single criterion - features that characterize the victim, including his actions and behavior - demarcated:

a) on the one hand, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self defense, intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (Article . 113, ch. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), when the victims are, respectively: a person who commits illegal or immoral act or characterized by regular illegal or immoral behavior; the person who committed socially dangerous act which constitutes a crime; the perpetrator;

on the other - the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, both in the absence of signs of privilegiruyuschih, responsibility for which is set Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code and in formulations which are not inherent to the victim of these actions or behavior;

b) on the one hand, illegal abortion, provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, which is the victim of a pregnant woman; failure to render aid to the patient, responsibility for which is set Art. 124, which is recognized as victims of the patient;

on the other - grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, the victims of which can be any person, other than a pregnant woman or the patient if there is, of course, other features that complement the offenses characterizing the illegal abortion or failure to provide care to the patient.

The second single criterion - the form and content of the act - splits:

a) illegal abortion that has caused grievous bodily harm to the victim, the responsibility for which is set h. 3 tablespoons. 123 of the Criminal Code, committed only in the form of action; failure to render aid to the patient, which caused by negligence moderate or serious harm to health under Art. 124 of the Criminal Code committed in the form of a inaction; grievous bodily harm through negligence, the responsibility for which is set Art. 118 of the Criminal Code is committed by an act or omission;

b) torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code, which caused intentional infliction of bodily harm, committed only in the form of action, the content of which is to cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence; intentional infliction of bodily harm, the responsibility for which is defined in Art. 115 of the Criminal Code, takes the form of an act or omission; act, expressed in the form of action, which does not cause physical or mental suffering through systematic beatings or use other forms of violence.

The third individual criteria - environment (conditions) of the crime - are differentiated:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily injury in the heat of passion; intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of self-defense; intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm in excess of measures necessary to apprehend the perpetrator (art. 113, h. 1, 2, Art. 114 of the Criminal Code), which included the situation (condition) is shown, respectively, in the situation created result of unlawful or immoral acts or unlawful conduct of systematic victim caused the guilty state of sudden strong emotion; in an environment committed socially dangerous encroachment victims forced to resort to the guilty-defense; in an atmosphere of the crime victim, forcing the perpetrator to try to detain him;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, responsibility for which is set respectively in Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, precluding their commission in an environment (environment), as described in Art. 113, h. 1, 2 tbsp. 114 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth single criterion - especially intent - is used to distinguish:

a) intentional infliction of serious or moderate bodily harm, the responsibility for which is provided art. 113 of the Criminal Code, characterized by sudden-onset intent due to unlawful or immoral acts or systematic unlawful or immoral behavior of the victim;

b) the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm, provided for respectively Art. 111 and 112 of the Criminal Code, which is not inherent in suddenly arisen intention, caused by such acts or conduct of the victim.

On the fifth individual criteria - features that characterize a special subject - delineated:

a) illegal abortion which negligently caused serious bodily injury to the victim, and the failure to provide care to the patient, resulting in the infliction of moderate or serious harm to health of the victim (Art. 3 of Art. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code); subject these special acts - respectively, a person without a medical education corresponding profile, including previously tried for illegal abortion, and the person obliged to provide assistance to patients in accordance with the law or with a special rule;

b) causing grievous bodily harm by negligence under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, which is the subject of a general, ie, not possessing the special features of the subject inherent to the subject of crime, responsibility for which is provided h. 3 tablespoons. 123 and Art. 124 of the Criminal Code.

It follows that the considered views and related offenses differ in one or more individual criteria. For example, torture, which caused bodily harm, and intentional infliction of bodily harm - only one criterion (the form and content of the act); intentional infliction of grave injury or injury of average gravity of passion and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm or intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm - according to three criteria (features characterizing the victim environment (conditions) of the crime, and the peculiarities of intent), etc. Differentiation of crimes against human health in several individual criteria involves the use of combinations of these criteria.

or his family; qualified offenses of intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm (n, respectively. "b" h. 2, Art. 111 and n. "in" h. 2, Art. 112), the victim in which the person known to the perpetrator in a helpless condition;

Материалы необходимы для производственной деятельности в основном в качестве сырья, топлива и различных вспомогательных материалов.

Незавершенное производство - это ресурсы предприятия, которые находятся непосредственно в процессе производства, но еще не превращены в готовую продукцию. Например, это затраты на сырье, материалы, оплату труда и т.д. на производство продукции, которая еще не прошла все стадии обработки (автомобиль на конвейере в машиностроительной промышленности и т.п.).

Готовая продукция - продукция, произведенная в организации, прошедшая все стадии обработки, соответствующая стандартам и предназначенная для продажи.

Товары отгруженные - это готовая продукция, которая отправлена в виде груза покупателю, но право собственности, на которую еще принадлежит организации-поставщику.

Другие товары - различные виды товаров, приобретенные для дельнейшей продажи и перепродажи без дополнительной обработки.

Денежные средства - наличные деньги, хранящиеся в кассе и на различных счетах в банках.

Финансовые активы - это вклады организации в уставные капиталы других организаций, в различные ценные бумаги (акции, облигации, векселя и т.д.), а также займы, представленные другим организациям.

Все перечисленные выше активы составляют ресурсы организации, но для полной их характеристики необходимо знать источники образования этих ресурсов. Это могут быть собственные и привлеченные источники

Объектом бухгалтерского учета, как указывалось выше, является также хозяйственная операция - фактическое совершенное действие по изменению объектов учета или один отдельный факт хозяйственной деятельности. Причем, любая хозяйственная операция должна быть оформлена документально.

Из массы хозяйственных операций складываются процессы, которые можно разделить на:

1) процесс заготовления - заготовление сырья, материалов, т.е. обеспечение организации основными и оборотными средствами;

2) процесс производства - хозяйственные операции по расходованию сырья и материалов, трудовых ресурсов (начисление оплаты труда), основных средств (начисление амортизации) и оприходованию готовой продукции;

3) процесс продажи - совокупность операций по отгрузке продукции покупателям и заказчикам, расчетам за отгруженную продукцию, поступлению денег на счета организации и определению финансового результата от реализации.

При этом все хозяйственные процессы в деятельности отдельной организации могут происходить одновременно и главная задача бухгалтерского учета - своевременное и достоверное их отражение в учете. Решение указанных задач бухгалтерский учет осуществляет с помощью соответствующих способов и приемов, составляющих в совокупности метод бухгалтерского учета.

Бухгалтерский учёт в соответствии с законом о бухгалтерском учёте может вестись: главным бухгалтером, принятым на предприятие по трудовому договору, генеральным директором при отсутствии бухгалтера, бухгалтером, не являющимся главным, либо сторонней организацией (бухгалтерское сопровождение).

Основной задачей бухгалтерского учёта является формирование полной и достоверной информации (бухгалтерской отчётности) о деятельности организации, и её имущественном положении, на основании которой становится возможным:

- предотвращение отрицательных результатов хозяйственной деятельности организации;

- выявление внутрихозяйственных резервов обеспечения финансовой устойчивости организации;

- контроль соблюдения законодательства при осуществлении организацией хозяйственных операций;

- контроль целесообразности хозяйственных операций;

- контроль наличия и движения имущества и обязательств;

- контроль использования материальных, трудовых и финансовых ресурсов;

- контроль соответствия деятельности утверждённым нормам, нормативам и сметам.

В зависимости от того, кому предоставляется информация, бухгалтерский учет подразделяется на два вида.

1. Финансовый учет, информация которого предоставляется в основном в виде обязательных форм отчетности внешним пользователям - вышестоящей организации (ведомству), учредителям, кредиторам, инвесторам, государственным органам и др.

2. Управленческий учет - его информация необходима различным службам и подразделениям организации, т.е. внутренним пользователям.

Внутренние пользователи бухгалтерской отчётности - руководители, учредители, участники и собственники имущества организации.

Внешние пользователи бухгалтерской отчётности - инвесторы, кредиторы, государство.

2.2 Методы и принципы бухгалтерского учета

Метод бухгалтерского учета - совокупность всех приемов и способов, с помощью которых в Бухгалтерском учете отражаются движение и состояние хозяйственных средств и их источников, он включает в себя следующие основные элементы:

Документирование - это процесс создания и оформления документа. Государственный стандарт определяет документирование как "запись информации на различных носителях по установленным правилам".

Оценка - Оценка как метод бухгалтерского учёта. Для различных видов имущества используются свои виды оценок. Основные средства имеют такие оценки, как первоначальная, остаточная и восстановительная стоимость.

Первоначальная стоимость формируется по каждому объекту основных средств и представляет собой все затраты на приобретение, строительство, полученные от учредителей в качестве вклада в уставной капитал, безвозмездное получение до ввода их в эксплуатацию.

Первоначальная стоимость по приобретённым объектам основных средств - это договорная цена поставщика, расходы на доставку, транспортировку, монтаж, % за кредит.

Первоначальная стоимость на строительство основных средств - все затраты на строительство объекта, до ввода его в эксплуатацию.

Существуют оценки по материальным ресурсам - это фактическая себестоимость заготовления материалов, учётная стоимость, которая применяется в течении месяца в том случае, если организация не может в течении месяца рассчитать фактическую себестоимость.

В конце месяца определяют фактическую себестоимость материалов, которая сравнивается с учётной и выявляют отклонение фактической себестоимости от учётной стоимости[6].

Система бухгалтерских счетов - представляет собой учётную позицию в бухгалтерском учёте, предназначенную для постоянного учёта в денежном выражении движения каждой однородной группы принадлежащих хозяйствующему субъекту средств и источников их образования методом двойной записи (по дебету и кредиту) в проводках.

В зависимости от объекта учёта счета разделяются на: активные, пассивные и активно-пассивные.

По степени детализации учёта счета подразделяются на: синтетические, субсчета, аналитические.

В зависимости от участия сальдо по счёту в формировании бухгалтерского баланса счета разделяются на балансовые и забалансовые.

Для каждой группы средств и источников этих средств используется отдельный счёт, где отражается остаток (сальдо) данной группы на начало учётного периода и все изменения, вызванные произведёнными хозяйственными операциями. Каждый счёт имеет две стороны: дебет и кредит. Сумма всех операций, отражённых по дебету счёта, называется дебетовым оборотом; сумма всех операций, отражённых по кредиту, - кредитовым оборотом. Результат соизмерения дебетовых и кредитовых оборотов определяется как остаток (сальдо) по счёту.

Систематизированный перечень бухгалтерских счетов содержится в плане счетов.

Двойная запись - способ ведения бухучёта, при котором каждое изменение состояния средств организации отражается по крайней мере на двух счетах, обеспечивая общий баланс.

Принцип двойной записи - Каждый учётный счёт (регистр) состоит из двух частей: дебета (левая сторона) счета и кредита (правая сторона). Основным принципом учёта при этом является выполнение в любой момент времени равенства (уравнения баланса):

Активы = Пассивы (причём последние равны сумме обязательств и капитала).

Активы отражают информацию (состав и стоимость) имущества и имущественных прав организации на определённую дату. Пассивы указывают на источники возникновения активов.

Для этого каждая двойная запись - проводка - изменяет обе его части, обязательно сохраняя баланс. Увеличение активов отражается в дебете счетов, увеличение пассивов в их кредите. Действует закон сохранения: сумма дебетов всех счетов всегда равна сумме их кредитов (обеспечивая нулевое общее сальдо). Это позволяет легко контролировать правильность: если нет баланса, то где-то в учёте была допущена ошибка.

Например, когда учредитель внёс в уставный капитал 10 тыс. руб., это означает, что у компании появились активы (денежные средства) и обязательства перед учредителем. Будет сделана такая (двойная) запись:

Дт "Денежные средства" - Кт "Уставный капитал" (по 10 тыс. руб.)

Главное: метод двойной записи позволяет отследить источники получения и направления расходования средств: например, расходование денежных средств (отражаемое по кредиту счёта "Денежные средства") сопровождается сокращением кредиторской задолженности (в дебете счёта "Кредиторская задолженность") или увеличением сумм выданных авансов (в дебете счёта "Авансы выданные"). Также это позволяет через бухгалтерский баланс показать сводное финансовое положение организации.

Распространенные виды ошибок:

1. Неверная сумма

2. Неверная корреспонденция (неверные счета)

Способы исправления:

- Дополнительная запись используется, когда ошибка прошла по 2 счетам: если сумма меньше правильной - делается дополнительная запись.

- Красное сторно - используется когда ошибка прошла по 2 счетам, но они неверны, либо сумма больше чем требуется: ошибка повторяется красным цветом, а потом делается правильная запись.

- Корректурный - ошибка не прошла по 2-му счету: ошибочная запись зачёркивается одной чертой, ставятся инициалы, дата и подпись исправляющего.

Инвентаризация - это проверка наличия имущества организации и состояния её финансовых обязательств на определённую дату путём сличения фактических данных с данными бухгалтерского учёта. Это основной способ фактического контроля за сохранностью имущественных ценностей и средств.

Нормативным документом, регламентирующим порядок и правила проведения инвентаризации в Российских организациях, является приказ министра финансов Российской Федерации от 13.06.1995 № 49, утвердивший "Методические указания по инвентаризации имущества и финансовых обязательств". Вопросы, не урегулированные указанной инструкцией, могут раскрываться в локальных нормативных актах по организации внутреннего контроля. Многие организации проводят инвентаризацию ежемесячно или ежеквартально, но все предприятия должны проводить инвентаризацию ежегодно. Согласно 25-й главе (ст. утратила силу). Налогового кодекса РФ невыполнение последнего требования приравнивается к отсутствию бухгалтерского учёта. Серьёзные последствия может повлечь за собой также и неправильное оформление результатов инвентаризации.

Инвентаризация может являться объектом аутсорсинга. Сторонние специализированные компании имеют свою технологию и методологию проведения инвентаризации, специализированное дорогостоящее программное обеспечение и оборудование, а также профессионально обученный штат специалистов, оплата труда которых бывает ниже, чем оплата складских и офисных сотрудников, которые часто привлекаются на инвентаризации.

Основная цель инвентаризации - выявление фактического наличия имущества предприятия и сопоставление с данными бухгалтерского учёта. Инвентаризация проводится путём пересчёта, измерения, взвешивания материальных ценностей: на складах (склады сырья, продовольствия, горюче-смазочных материалов, готовой продукции, товаров; аптеки, библиотеки и т.п.), в производстве, на торговых площадях, в кассе.

При этом инвентаризации подвергаются следующие объекты бухгалтерского учёта: основные средства, материальные запасы, готовая продукция, товары в торговой сети, наличные денежные средства, ценные бумаги и денежные документы.

Калькулирование - способ определения себестоимости продукции или услуги, а также себестоимости производственных ресурсов. Калькулирование производится на основе учётных и расчётных затрат и на основе структуры этих затрат. Расчёт структуры затрат опирается на понимание типапроизводства, вида производства, загрузки предприятия, прочих "вспомогательных" процессов (таких как маркетинг, логистика и т.д.) и в зависимости от категории производства.

Калькулирование, в отличие от калькуляции, не определяет затраты в стоимостной (денежной) форме на производство единицы или группы единиц изделий, или на отдельные виды производств, так как занятие счётом ради счёта в калькулировании не имеет смысла. Калькулирование берёт за расчётную основу затраты или виды затрат из сложенных по определённым видам статей затрат из бухгалтерского учёта.

Калькулирование используется как для предварительной оценки себестоимости, так и для последующего завершающего контроля. В управлении проектами помимо выше описанных целей высоко приоритетным является оперативный контроль себестоимости проекта. С помощью калькулирования определённая себестоимость (наборов) продуктов или услуг в первую очередь используется в ценовой политике организации для определения минимальной, максимальной и оптимальной рыночной цены продукции (услуги) и их рыночного потенциала. Себестоимости внутренних ресурсов и промежуточных продуктов служат в рамках контроллинга и других систем менеджмента внутренней оценке эффективности работы организации или соответствующим источником информации другим подразделениям[7].

Составление баланса и отчетности.

Баланс - содержит данные об активах, обязательствах и собственном капитале. В советской, российской, украинской бухгалтерской практике - способ группировки активов и пассивов организации в денежном выражении. Бухгалтерский баланс характеризует имущественное и финансовое состояния организации в денежной оценке на отчётную дату.

Баланс состоит из трех частей: активов, обязательств и капитала. В основном, статьи баланса по традиции следуют друг за другом в порядке ликвидности, хотя есть исключения. Основное свойство отчёта состоит в том, что суммарные активы всегда равны сумме обязательств и собственного капитала. Балансовый отчёт есть просто два разных взгляда на один и тот же бизнес. Активы показывают какие средства использует бизнес, а обязательства и собственный капитал показывают кто предоставил эти средства и в каком размере. Все ресурсы, которыми обладает предприятие, могут быть предоставлены либо собственниками (капитал), либо кредиторами (обязательства). Поэтому сумма требований кредиторов вместе с требованиями владельцев должна быть равна сумме активов. Это также обусловлено тем, что при отражении операций на счетах в балансе соблюдается принципдвойной записи.

Представление текущей информации об имуществе хозяйствующего субъекта в виде бухгалтерского баланса является одним из основополагающих методов бухгалтерского учёта. Бухгалтерский баланс не отражает движения средств и фактов осуществления конкретных хозяйственных операций, но показывает финансовое состояние хозяйствующего субъекта в определённый момент времени. Сущность баланса (как метода) состоит в том, что данные о стоимости имущества хозяйствующего субъекта на интересующую дату группируются определённым образом, позволяющим провести финансовый анализ и получить прогнозы на будущее.

Бухгалтерский баланс имеет форму двусторонней таблицы. Каждая строка таблицы (балансовый счёт) представляет собой наименование объекта бухгалтерского учёта и его стоимость на момент составления баланса. Основными составляющими бухгалтерского баланса являются активы (левая сторона таблицы), обязательства и капитал (правая сторона таблицы). В экономической литературе даётся следующие определения этих понятий:

1. активы - это хозяйственные средства, контроль над которыми организация получила в результате свершившихся фактов её хозяйственной деятельности и которые могут принести ей экономические выгоды в будущем.

2. обязательства - существующая на отчётную дату задолженность организации, которая образовалась вследствие осуществления её хозяйственной деятельности и расчёты по которой могут привести к оттоку активов.

3. капитал - вложения собственников и прибыль, накопленная за всё время деятельности организации.

Бухгалтерский баланс как форма финансовой отчётности составляется, как правило, на отчётную дату (конец календарного месяца, квартала, года). Однако важно понимать, что методологически бухгалтерский баланс, будучи сводом информации о стоимости имущества хозяйствующего субъекта, может быть определён по состоянию на любую дату (и даже на любое время) и может составляться так часто, как это представляется необходимым, даже по итогам каждой хозяйственной операции).

В бухгалтерском учёте, как и в физике, существует "закон сохранения" - ничто ниоткуда не возникает (любой актив у предприятия появляется из-за каких-либо действий), то есть синхронно с активами в балансе отображаются источники их происхождения. Активы и пассивы отображаются раздельно: экономические ресурсы в активе, а источники в пассиве. Итог актива баланса всегда равен итогу пассива баланса, при создании предприятия исполняется бухгалтерское равенство: Активы = Пассивы

Обычно часть активов вносится кем-то другим, кто не является собственником, с учётом этого равенство имеет такой вид: Активы = Капитал + Обязательства.

Суммы из обеих частей уравнения совпадают, потому что они описывают одни и те же объекты, но с двух разных точек зрения:

1. Актив отвечает на вопрос: чем являются средства?

2. Пассив отвечает на вопрос: кто вложил эти средства?

Итоговую сумму актива (пассива) баланса называют "валютой баланса" или "цифрой баланса".

Активы включают в себя все виды средств: здания, оборудование, запасы материалов, товаров, транспортные средства, задолженность клиентов, контрагентов, деньги на расчетных и других счетах в банках и так далее. Обязательства складываются из денежных средств, которые организация должна за поставленные ей товары и услуги, кредиты и так далее. Истинность того, что суммы обеих частей балансового уравнения будут равны друг другу, не зависит от количества проведённых операций. Равенство активов и пассивов основывается на принципе двойной записи.

Активы и пассивы обычно подразделяются на текущие и долгосрочные. В международной практике активы в балансе перечисляются в порядке их ликвидности.

Cтатьи бухгалтерского баланса формируются в результате обработки большого количества хозяйственных операций, которые структурно объединяются в группы в соответствии с их характером и функцией. Каждая существенная статья должна представляется в отчетности отдельно. Статьи, которые содержат несущественные суммы должны объединяться с суммами аналогичного характера или назначения и не должны представляться отдельно.

Правильное составление бухгалтерского баланса предполагает: Полный охват показателей и результатов деятельности компании. Надлежащую группировку хозяйственных процессов в соответствии с природой того или иного процесса. Правильное отображение операций, которое позволит определить не только финансовое состояние компании, но и его финансовый результат.

В России форма бухгалтерского баланса и порядок его составления юридическими лицами (кроме кредитных и бюджетных организаций) регламентируются ПБУ 4/99 "Бухгалтерская отчетность организаций".

В России в бухгалтерском балансе активы и обязательства должны быть представлены с подразделением в зависимости от срока обращения (погашения) на краткосрочные и долгосрочные. Хотя в отчёте по ликвидности (форма баланса для российских банков) активы и обязательства не разделяются на краткосрочные и долгосрочные. Активы и обязательства представляются как краткосрочные, если срок обращения (погашения) по ним не более 12 месяцев после отчетной даты или продолжительности операционного цикла, если он превышает 12 месяцев. Все остальные активы и обязательства представляются как долгосрочные [28] . Статьи баланса в соответствии с US GAAP схожи с МСФО, но в американских стандартах есть требование располагать все статьи в порядке снижения ликвидности.

Отчетность - развёрнутое, официальное, сообщение по определённому вопросу, основанное на привлечении документальных данных.

Бухгалтерский учёт может вестись: бухгалтерией, входящей в состав предприятия; бухгалтером; руководителем организации; сторонней организацией.

Принципы бухгалтерского учёта - основные, исходные, базовые положения бухгалтерского учёта как науки, которые предопределяют все последующие, вытекающие из них утверждения. Основными принципами бухгалтерского учёта можно считать следующие:

- Принцип автономности предполагает, что та или иная организация существует как единое самостоятельное юридическое лицо; её имущество строго обособлено от имущества её совладельцев, работников и других организаций. Данные бухгалтерского учёта представляют единую систему, отвечающую задачам управления имуществом, обязательствам и хозяйственным операциям, осуществляемым организацией в процессе её функционирования. Элементы учёта, не оказывающие влияния на хозяйственные процессы, изъяты из системы учёта как излишние. В бухгалтерском учёте и балансе отражается только имущество, которое признается собственностью именно этой конкретной организации.

- Принцип двойной записи - двойное непрерывное отражение хозяйственных явлений, фактов и операций, предопределённое использованием двойной записи на счетах, т.е. одновременно и на одинаковую сумму по дебету одного счёта и кредиту другого бухгалтерского счёта.

- Принцип действующей организации предполагает, что организация нормально функционирует и сохранит свои позиции на рынке в обозримом будущем, погашая обязательства перед поставщиками и потребителями и иными партнерами в установленном порядке. Этот принцип обусловливает необходимость увязки активов организации с её будущей прибылью, которая может быть получена при помощи этих активов. Особое значение названный принцип приобретает при оценке имущества и обязательств организации.

- Принцип объективности состоит в том, что все хозяйственные операции должны находить отражение в бухгалтерском учёте, быть зарегистрированными на протяжении всех этапов учёта, подтверждаться оправдательными документами, на основании которых ведется бухгалтерский учёт.

- Принцип осмотрительности предполагает определённую степень осторожности в процессе формирования суждений, необходимых при расчётах, производимых в условиях неопределённости, позволяющую избежать завышения активов или доходов, и занижения обязательств, или расходов. Соблюдение принципа осмотрительности предотвращает возникновение скрытых резервов и чрезмерных запасов, сознательное занижение активов или доходов, либо преднамеренное завышение обязательства, или расходов. Пренебрежение указанным принципом приведёт к тому, что финансовая отчётность перестанет быть нейтральной и, следовательно, утратит надёжность.

- Принцип начислений - все операции записываются по мере их возникновения, а не в момент оплаты, и относятся к тому отчётному периоду, когда была совершена операция. Этот принцип условно можно разделить на:

- принцип регистрации дохода (выручки) - доход отражается в том периоде, когда он получен, а не когда произведена оплата. В России момент продажи продукции определяется по отгрузке и по оплате. Международные стандарты допускают фиксировать реализацию по отгрузке, поставке, получению денег продавцом или агентом;

- принцип соответствия - доходы отчётного периода должны быть соотнесены с расходами, благодаря которым эти доходы были получены. Разумеется, расходы (доходы), относящиеся к соответствующим доходам (расходам), признанным в другом отчётном периоде, учитываются отдельно.

- Принцип периодичности нацелен на регулярное, периодически повторяющееся балансовое обобщение - составление баланса и отчётности за год, полугодие, квартал, месяц. Названный принцип обеспечивает сопоставимость отчётных данных, позволяет по истечении определённых периодов времени исчислить финансовые результаты.

- Принцип конфиденциальности. Содержание внутренней учётной информации - коммерческая тайна организации, за разглашение и нанесение ущерба её интересам предусмотрена установленная законодательством ответственность.

- Принцип денежного измерения, т.е. количественное измерение и исчисление фактов хозяйственной деятельности и производственных процессов; в качестве единицы измерения выступает валюта страны.

- Принцип преемственности предполагает разумную приверженность национальным традициям, достижениям отечественной науки и практики.

3. Бухгалтерский учет на предприятии

3.1 Принципы бухучета на предприятии

Бухгалтерский учет - сплошное, непрерывное и взаимосвязанное отражение хозяйственной деятельности предприятия на основании документирования, регистрации и обобщения хозяйственных процессов в денежном выражении.

Основные объекты учета делятся на 2 группы:

1. средства (в бухгалтерском учете называются активы) - это то, чем владеет предприятие;

2. источники средств (в учете называются пассивы).

Информация о хозяйственных процессах отражается и обобщается на счетах, которые приведены в Плане счетов бухгалтерского учета. Счета бывают активные и пассивные. Активные счета отражают средства предприятия, а пассивные - источники средств. Увеличение активного счета отражается по дебету, уменьшение - по кредиту. Увеличение пассивного счета отражается по кредиту, а уменьшение - по дебету.

Для всех видов средств и источников бухгалтер предприятия ведет учетные регистры - это различного рода журналы и книги учета, ведомости, таблицы, файлы.

Любая хозяйственная операция представляется в виде проводки. В проводке соединяются два номера счетов. Первый номер всегда пишется по дебету, а второй - всегда по кредиту. Например, Д 51 К 62. Проводку бухгалтер составляет только на основании документа, в котором отражается хозяйственная операция.

Проводки составляются на основании содержимого документа и инструкций Министерства финансов (МФ) или Государственной налоговой службы (ГНС). Общие правила составления проводок следующие:

1. если увеличиваются средства, то это дебет операции;

2. если средства уменьшаются, то это кредит операции;

3. если увеличиваются источники, то это кредит операции;

4. если источники уменьшаются, то это дебет операции.

Существует два основных принципа, которыми руководствуются все бухгалтеры.

1. Принцип бухгалтерской сбалансированности.

В основе этого принципа лежит учет активов, которыми владеет предприятие, и учет своих обязательств, то есть того, что предприятие должно другим.

Активы - это все материальные предметы и нематериальные права, которые предприятие эксплуатирует для получения прибыли.

Обязательства - это задолженность предприятия перед другими лицами, организациями или государством.

Та часть, которая остается после вычитания из активов обязательств, называется собственным капиталом. Это правило является основой принципа бухгалтерской сбалансированности: Активы = обязательства + собственный капитал[8].

В этом уравнении обязательства стоят на первом месте потому, что обязательства перед внешними инвесторами должны погашаться в первую очередь по отношению к владельцам или акционерам.

2. Система двойной записи.

Появление системы двойной записи в 1494 году связано с именем Фра Лука Пачоли, итальянского монаха. Он объяснил, что у любой сделки есть две зачетные стороны.

И поэтому по системе двойной записи каждая операция должна быть двусторонне и взаимосвязано зарегистрирована. Если сделка зарегистрирована таким образом, то какие бы операции не совершались, сохраняется принцип бухгалтерской сбалансированности.

Например, вы решили открыть фирму на морском побережье по прокату водных велосипедов. Вы владеете 40 000 рублей, таким образом, начальное уравнение бухгалтерской сбалансированности показывает, что:

Активы = обязательства + собственный капитал

40 000 = 0 + 40 000

Вам необходимо приобрести водные велосипеды на сумму 60 000 рублей. Вы берете кредит в банке - 20 000 рублей. Эти 20 000 по принципу двойной записи должны быть записаны на счет кассы в "активы", а также на счет банковской ссуды в "обязательства". Это позволит бухгалтерской сбалансированности остаться в равновесии.

Активы = обязательства + собственный капитал

60 000 = 20 000 + 40 000.

Вы покупаете 20 водных велосипедов на сумму 60 000 рублей. Активы переходят из наличных денег в товарные запасы, на одну часть этих запасов, стоимостью 20 000 рублей, претендует кредитор, а другая часть запасов, стоимостью 40 000 рублей, представляет ваш собственный капитал. Уравнение бухгалтерской сбалансированности не меняется. Предположим, что за один месяц работы вы получили 8 000 рублей за прокат велосипедов. Издержки составляют 5 000 рублей (заработная плата, арендная плата и 2 000 рублей износа велосипедов). Ваша прибыль составила 3 000 рублей, которые включаются в актив и составляют часть вашего собственного капитала. Уравнение бухгалтерской сбалансированности теперь выглядит так:

Активы = обязательства + собственный капитал

63 000 = 20 000 + 43 000.

3.2 Формы финансовой отчетности предприятия

В деятельности любого предприятия за определенный промежуток времени накапливается огромное количество информации, бухгалтерских записей, которые регистрируют каждую совершенную операцию. Это существенно затрудняет деятельность руководства по контролю над ситуацией. Финансовые отчеты, составляемые бухгалтерами, помогают руководству управлять предприятием.

Наиболее важными формами финансовой отчетности являются: оборотная ведомость, балансовый отчет, отчет о прибылях и убытках и отчет о движении денежных средств.

Таблица 2

Пример оборотной ведомости:

номер счета

Сальдо начальное


Сальдо конечное






























Для расчета конечного сальдо нужно сначала определить обороты за отчетный период. Эти обороты определяются в учетных регистрах по каждому счету по графе "дебет" и по графе "кредит" отдельно, а потом переносятся в оборотную ведомость. Формулы расчета сальдо:

1. для активных счетов

Cкон. = Снач. + ОборотД - ОборотК

2. для пассивных счетов

Cкон. = Снач. + ОборотК - ОборотД.

Балансовый отчет - это отчет о финансовом положении компании, отражающий бухгалтерскую сбалансированность активов, обязательств и собственного капитала на данный момент времени.

Таблица 3.

Пример Балансового отчета предприятия приведен в таблице:



I. Внеоборотные активы

Основные средства

90 000

Итого по разделу I

90 000

II. Оборотные активы


66 674

Денежные средства

50 000

Итого по разделу II

116 674

III. Убытки


Итого по разделу III



206 674



IV. Капитал и резервы

Уставный капитал

92 902

Итого по разделу IV

92 902

V. Долгосрочные пассивы


Итого по разделу V


VI. Краткосрочные пассивы

Кредиторская задолженность перед поставщиками

63 772

Кредиторская задолженность по оплате труда

50 000

Итого по разделу VI

113 772


206 674

Балансовый отчет (баланс) состоит из двух частей: актива и пассива (обязательства + собственный капитал). Каждая часть состоит из трех разделов.

Первый раздел актива (внеоборотные активы - все средства длительного пользования) включает:

нематериальные активы - расходы на организацию предприятия, а также различные права (патенты, лицензии, товарные знаки);

основные средства - к ним относятся средства, которые в течение длительного времени не меняют свои эксплуатационные свойства, и стоимость которых превышает 100 минимальных оплат труда;

незавершенное строительство;

долгосрочные финансовые вложения - инвестиции на срок более года;

прочие внеоборотные активы.

Второй раздел актива (оборотные активы) включает:


налог на добавленную стоимость по приобретенным ценностям;

дебиторская задолженность - задолженность других предприятий перед данным;

краткосрочные финансовые вложения;

денежные средства;

прочие оборотные активы.

Третий раздел актива (убытки) включает:

непокрытые убытки прошлых лет;

непокрытый убыток отчетного года.

Последняя строка актива баланса (баланс) представляет собой сумму итогов по всем трем разделам актива.

Первый раздел пассива (капитал и резервы) включает:

уставный, добавочный и резервный капитал;

фонды накопления и фонд социальной сферы;

целевые финансирование и поступления;

нераспределенная прибыль прошлых лет и отчетного года.

Второй раздел пассива (долгосрочные пассивы) включает:

заемные средства - кредиты банков и прочие займы, подлежащие погашению более чем через 12 месяцев после отчетной даты;

прочие долгосрочные пассивы.

Третий раздел пассива (краткосрочные пассивы) включает:

заемные средства - кредиты банков и прочие займы, подлежащие погашению менее чем через 12 месяцев после отчетной даты;

кредиторская задолженность;

расчеты по дивидендам;

доходы будущих периодов;

фонды потребления;

резервы предстоящих расходов и платежей;

прочие краткосрочные пассивы.

Последняя строка пассива баланса (баланс) - это сумма итогов трех разделов пассива.

В соответствии с принципом бухгалтерской сбалансированности баланс актива всегда должен быть равен балансу пассива.

Согласно российскому законодательству балансовый отчет составляется за следующие отчетные периоды:

  1. за первый квартал года: с 1-го января по 31-ое марта включительно;
  2. за первое полугодие: с 1-го января по 30-ое июня включительно;
  3. за 9 месяцев: с 1-го января по 30-ое сентября включительно;
  4. за год: с 1-го января по 31 декабря включительно.

Отчет о прибылях и убытках - финансовый отчет за определенный период времени, в котором показываются все доходы и расходы фирмы.

Сначала в отчете суммируются все доходы (валовой объем продаж) и все расходы - издержки, которые понесла компания в результате образования доходов. Затем расходы вычитаются из доходов, чтобы показать чистый доход компании.

Таблица 4.


Доходы (валовой объем продаж)

956 586

Чистый объем продаж

948 028

Стоимость проданных товаров

381 510

Общая сумма торговых издержек

461 262

Общая сумма административных расходов

11 140

Общая сумма эксплуатационных издержек

472 402

Доход от основной деятельности предприятия

94 116

Все прочие доходы и расходы

7 528

Доход до уплаты налогов

86 588

Налог на прибыль

12 988

Чистый доход

73 600

Доход предприятие получает от продажи товаров, предоставления услуг, сдачи в аренду помещений или оборудования, процентов по капитальным вложениям и др. Валовой объем продаж включает все доходы от продажи товаров и услуг. При вычитании стоимости возвращенных товаров и скидок получают чистый объем продаж. После вычитания скидок по закупкам и стоимости нереализованной готовой продукции получают стоимость проданных товаров. Затем суммируются все издержки предприятия и получается сумма общих эксплуатационных издержек. После их вычитания из стоимости проданных товаров получают доход от основной деятельности предприятия. Затем вычитают все прочие расходы или прибавляют все прочие доходы и получают сумму дохода до уплаты налогов. При вычитании налога на прибыль получают сумму чистого дохода.


Таким образом, подводя итог всему вышесказанному, необходимо сделать ряд следующих выводов.

С развитием общества развивался и хозяйственный учет. Из учета отдельного хозяйства он превратился в сложную систему, которая пронизывает всю экономику страны. Его роль возрастает по мере усложнения хозяйственной деятельности и увеличения масштабов производства.

Учет - это, прежде всего, регистрация фактов и событий. Оценка этих фактов подразумевает их количественное и качественное измерение, для этого используют несколько видов измерителей: натуральные, трудовые денежные.

Натуральные измерители характеризуют объекты учета по массе, длине, площади, количеству. В качестве натуральных измерителей используются - тонны. Килограммы, метры, штуки и тд. С их помощью ведется количественный учет выпускаемой продукции, поступивших товарно-материальных ценностей. Натуральные измерители применяют, как правило, к однородным объектам.

Трудовые измерители позволяют вести учет затраченного труда и выражаются в единицах времени. Используются для учета производительности труда, норм выработки расчета заработной платы.

Денежные измерители являются универсальными и обобщающими. Посредством денежных измерителей представляются все хозяйственные процессы и объекты, которые были выражены в натуральных и трудовых измерителях.

Реализация функции учета как функции управления заключается в формировании информационной модели функционирования объекта управления на основе взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости трех видов учета: оперативного, бухгалтерского и статистического.

Каждый вид учета играет свою особую роль в информационном обеспечении процесса управления организацией.

Аутсайдеры, использующие бухгалтерскую информацию, имеет разнообразные интересы. Поставщики, банки и другие кредиторы хотят знать, является ли предприятие кредитоспособным; инвесторов и акционеров затрагивает вопрос о потенциальной прибыльности компании; правительственные предприятия и сбором налогов. Эти внешним пользователям нужна объективная и последовательная информация, сравниваемая с той, что предоставляют другие компании. Таким образом, финансовая отчётность имеет определённые стандартные формы и готовится в соответствии с общепринятыми принципами бухгалтерского учёта, которые вырабатывались и согласовывались бухгалтерами на протяжении многих лет.

Список литературы

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