Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Write a report on family life in your country (Tiraspol, in Transnistria)

My name is Rustam. For thirty-four years now, I have been living in the beautiful city of Tiraspol, in Transnistria, with my family. We have a very clean and beautiful city. Life in this city is quiet and very peaceful. The people here are friendly and helpful, always ready to help. We live together and work together. Everyone in our family loves and respects each other. Each of us has a special role to play.

So, we wake up very early, in order to enjoy the coolness and freshness of the early morning, because it is very hot during the day. Then each of us goes about our own business. For example, I like to run in the park and do yoga, then immerse myself in work. Our town is small and very green, so I walk to work, it gives me great pleasure. While walking, I enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and landscape of our city. After work, I visit the gym, which is not far from my home, then take an evening walk before going to bed, which helps me relax. My father is a businessman, engaged in his favorite business, namely, the improvement of our city. In our city, there are almost never traffic jams, on the roads, and my father manages to visit different parts of the city and solve various kinds of issues. My mother does household chores, goes to the market for groceries. And sometimes he helps my father in his difficult business. This is probably why our city is so beautiful and well-maintained. My wife recently moved to our country and she really likes it here. It's almost always cold where she comes from. In our sunny country, it is almost always hot, and there is a noticeable difference in the climate. In the period from 12: 00 to 16: 00, we try not to go outside, or to be in the shade. Our city is located on the bank of the river the Dniester. Because of the hot climate, we often go to the beach, swim and sunbathe. 80 km from us is the Black Sea, where my family and I go every month. And each time we get new emotions. In our city there are a lot of places where you can hide from the heat.

In our city is beautiful because we have very tasty, environmentally friendly, and high-quality food, so we often go to dinner in a restaurant or cafe, often relax, go to various museums, go fishing, and sometimes even hunt. In our city, you can even move around on a bicycle or on roller skates, which makes the ecology of our city cleaner. Everyone loves and values their home, their family, and their country. I believe that our country is the right place to build healthy, strong and comfortable relations.