Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is my hero?

Who is a hero? A hero can be called a person-brave, brave, brave, wise, who is not afraid to save another person, no matter what situation they find themselves in. Each of us has our own heroes, for someone the hero may be mom or dad. Just don't confuse heroism with bragging, a real hero will never humiliate the weak, mock the defenseless. He on the contrary will help everyone and at the same time will not expect gratitude from others. He on the contrary will help everyone and at the same time will not expect gratitude from others.

«Heroes are not born, heroes become» - a well known truth is told. In fact, it is by actions that a person earns this proud name, only by showing his best moral qualities does he become a person, that is, it reaches any heights in front of society, in front of itself. What is a heroic act? Each person gives their own answer to this question. One thing is clear: the heroic act can be called that act which was done selflessly for the benefit of the neighbor, for the benefit of society, for the benefit of those, who needs help and support. History and literature knows many examples of heroes, those who have committed such deeds, feats that will forever remain in the historical record of mankind.

There are a lot of movies and stories about superheroes now. Let's think about who the real hero is? All the different ideas. Someone considers a soldier who fought for the Motherland a hero, someone hero from the world of marvel (super heroes from comics),some people consider rescuers, doctors, and firefighters heroes.

 I believe that the most real superheroes are parents. Especially my mother. Because ... my mom is a superhero. She can do everything in the world: to cook, to create comfort, to knit.  If you need help with your studies, call your mother. 

Our mothers from the first days surround us with warmth and care. Always support, understand and protect regardless of the situation – these are the qualities of superheroes. Mothers should be able to be friends with us at the same time. We don't notice how much our parents have to worry about, They try to hide problems from us, they hide their identity.

mom has time to prepare a delicious Breakfast in the morning and go to work, in the evening to spend time with me.And I don't think he gets tired at all. Just like spider-Man is a normal student by day and a crime fighter by night, who has superpowers. I believe that all superheroes, real or fictional, have something in  common, that they do good things, help others. Each of us can become a hero. The main thing is to act according to conscience, according to honor. The real hero is the one who always helps people in need, a man with a big heart and a pure soul. 

 I want to be a superhero! my mother! Always be beautiful, fun, honest and responsive. Be able to quickly resolve conflicts, always raise the mood of people around you,  and help everyone in difficult situations.