Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Who is a hero for you?»

Usually in movies and cartoons a hero - is a person who has super powers, costumes with different options, unusual equipment. A hero for me is a person who can do useful things. You can be a hero without equipment, but have a code.

You should be a hero every day in an ordinary life. I think heroes in our everyday life are rescuers and firefighters, pilots and military people, people who donate money to the children’s aid funds anonymously or help an old lady to cross the street.

In my family my father and my boyfriend are heroes for me. They protect us from danger. They are ready to help us in different situations. They are our protection and confidence. My father has succeeded when he was thirty years old. He is a holder of a business. My boyfriend wants to become an industrialist. I believe he will handle. Undoubtedly, they have weaknesses and faults, but men can overcome it. Moreover, my father and my boyfriend do charity work and a lot of other good things. I’m proud of them and set them as a example. I hope my children will follow their example.

In the movies we often see that love saves the world. It’s no accident. Person does good actions because a love always exists in his heart. S. Kaufman said: « Person to person, moment to moment, as we love, we change the world!». Which seems to confirm the idea that hero is a person who can love other people and the world in which he lives. Big love helps save the world. So anyone can be a hero.

In conclusion, I can say that although there are a lot of heroes in movies, cartoons and comics, but also among us there are many heroes. We can to be hero for ourselves and all people around. We can to be loving.