Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My memorable day

It was autumn. I was going down a street in my hometown. It was not so long after I came back from foreign country where I was supposedly studying engineering which I hated. Eventually I was excluded from a university and sent back to my home. My family, my friends etc. were shocked knowing that I was kicked out. It was rough time for me. I had no plans, I was full of bad habits, but I had a dream.

I desired to make my dream happened. But I was unbelievably disorganized and couldn’t put my acts together. So I started searching for information of how to change my life. During that time I was listening to Jordan Peterson’s lectures. And then an idea of how I want to be began to grow in my mind. But suddenly I dropped to listen to his lectures.

It happened because I felt that if I continued listening to him I would change. It was kind of intuitive knowledge. So I was avoiding touching Peterson’s lectures for two or three months but the same time constant voice was telling me that I must listen to them. It was so until I was going down a street one gloomy autumn day. Something struck me and I turned on one of the lectures. In five minutes I was transformed.

I decided to go through his self-authoring program. Then I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. I set up a regime for myself. My life has become more ordered. And maybe first in my life I felt peace with myself. Then I planned my future and my goals. And now I am going after them.

In conclusion I would say that there is happiness in life. Not that type when you are seeking for minute pleasure. No. It is when one has meaning in life when one knows why he or she woke up today, when the world around you becomes a place with less suffering.