Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a Hero for You?

People always need someone to believe in, especially someone with extraordinary abilities. I think it happens because sometimes believing only in yourself is not enough. And sometimes it is just fans of “Marvel” and “DC”.

Talking about superheros, I would say that for me a hero is someone like Iron Man. He doesn’t hide who he is, he doesn’t hide the fact that he loves money and that basically he became someone he is now only because it was the only chance for him to live. But on the other hand he does a lot of good things. He is fair. He does a lot for other people, but he also requires a lot, and that’s one of the most important things that people should do, in my opinion.

But also I think it is important to mention, that Tony Stark is a human being. A lot of ordinary people can find something in his character, that is either true for them. It might be his willingness to sacrifice himself or his changeable mood. Someone can hurt his feelings and even if he doesn’t want to show it, you will know that it happened because that is what happens to you and that is how you look sometimes. And even if you can see all those characteristics in Spiderman or in Superman, as for me, Tony Starks’ character is closer to our reality than anyone else’s.

In conclusion I would like to say that Iron Man is not a perfect man. He does a lot of mistakes, he falls down all the time. He is not perfect and as for me, that is what we love him for.