Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you?

All people have heard the word “hero” so many times. In our society, the meaning this word can be described in many different ways. But it is mainly used towards people who commit various heroic actions. Let us consider who is a hero actually.

The first thing needs to be said is many of us has a role model or hero in our life. Contrary to popular belief this is not a person wearing unusual clothes and has super powers. Of course, I agree that all people who are noticed in heroism are heroes and deserve respect. However, I have my own hero who is neither a veteran, nor a superman and yet I like the characteristics that he has. This hero for me is my mom. She is a doctor. She saves people every day. Her colleagues respect and admire her. And I am proud of my mom.

Nevertheless, we should not forget that there are people who suggest that our heroes are characters from the movies, novels, comic books and video games. For example, Superman, Batman, Spider man, Iron man. They are super heroes and save our world from the villains, because they have super-human powers. They are very smart, brave and funny. I think that everyone would like to have superpowers and to be superhero to save the world.

In conclusion, I can say that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But at the same time we need to think realistically. Heroes live among us. For example, a policeman who rescues ordinary people from criminals or a veteran who participated in war events. Hero - a selfless person who everyday overcomes difficulties to come and rescue people at the right time. I believe that everyone should appreciate and respect these people.