Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Language in my country

I was born in Kazakhstan. Therefore, my native language is Kazakh. Kazakh language is one of the Turkic languages. It was formed during the XIV-XVII centuries as the language of the kindred Turkic and Mongolian tribes that roamed the territory of modern Kazakhstan in the era of the collapse of the Golden Horde. It was finally separated from other languages of the Kipchak-Nogai subgroup in the middle of the 17th century.

Kazakh language is the original language of nomads. The Kazakh language has existed since the Kazakh people formed as a nation. Kazakh language is our past, present and future, it is as eternal as time. Language is proof of the existence of a nation. Language is the mandate of the ancestors to its generation, the prestige of today and the pledge of tomorrow.

Language is the character of a nation, its memory, history and spiritual power. It displays the customs, traditions, life of the people, their mind and experience, the beauty and strength of the soul. The history of my native language is inseparable from the history of the Kazakh people. Education and development of the national language is a complex, long process. For thousands of years this language was created in order to turn into the main wealth of the Kazakh people in the present.

The Kazakh alphabet consists of 42 letters, 33 Cyrillic letters and 9 additional letters. Many for some reason don’t attach importance to these additional signs, however, they give the speech a special charm and sensuality. Without them, the meaning of objects will lose meaning. They, as it seems to me, most strongly convey the nomadic component of the history of our people, even simply by their appearance. Due to their "tails", these letters are similar, like preparing for a jump, into the nomad's saddle. Why tails? Yes, it's just a stirrup, which practically grows to the rider's foot.

The Kazakh language is notable for its special melodiousness and unique sincerity. In the Kazakh language, a huge stock of words (more than two million!), A variety of synonyms and shades of speech. All this testifies to the power and wealth of the language. Kazakh language is the language of literature, folk songs, legends and legends. The land of Kazakhstan is rich in literary talents: poets, writers, dramatists. They all made their contribution to the development of the language.

The soul of the people is diverse and very functional. Many subjects of the Kazakh people exist only in Kazakhstan and, accordingly, the names designating them can only be in our country. Yes, and they sound for us in a special way. Nowhere else do they desire peace at a meeting, and only here the capital is called the capital. For some, this may sound like a tautology and a mistake, but for us this is Astana, a city of dreams and great opportunities. Yes, and our dastarkhan is known far beyond the borders of our beloved homeland. A nation is not a passport entry and not blood in our veins, but a unity of the spirit and the native land!

In the country, the pace of transition to the state language is improving every day. All state bodies and state institutions conduct various activities for the development and application of the state language. In addition, in newspapers and magazines, on television in various programs they talk about the importance of the state language. Such propaganda work has a positive impact on the development of the state language.

    Kazakh language is the language of our ancestors, their most valuable testament for the future generation.