Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal? (We all want to achieve something in our lives)

We all want to achieve something in our lives. We all have goals that we set, yet oftentimes forget. But what does it take to really achieve anything? Well, in the past, if you’ve set some goals and you didn’t follow through, there’s a reason for that. There’s a reason that we throw up our hands in silent resignation.

How do we push through when all we want to do is give up? No matter how big or small that goal is. But, all too often, people simply get caught up and they stop pushing towards their hopes and their dreams. For me there are five most important goals.

1. Make a list. First you’ll have to determine exactly what they are. Set a timer for three minutes and get all of your goals down on paper without worrying about how difficult achieving them will be.

2. Keep a clean workspace. Extra objects on your desk compete for your attention, and your brain must constantly reconcile the presence of these items with the ones that are actually pertinent to your work.

4. Wake up super early. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to sequester yourself from daytime distractions such as kids, errands or even breaking news, it’s hard to keep focused.

5. Motivate yourself with rewards. If you plan rewards to dole out to yourself once you’ve achieved mini milestones, you’ll have an additional incentive to persevere aside from the big goal in and of itself.

If you will take the time to study each of the above tips and the corresponding lesson highlighted in many of them, you will significantly increase your odds of achieving your goals. The reason many people fail to achieve their goals is because they are unwilling to do what is necessary over the required period of time. If you’re like most people (and that includes me), you will go through periods of discouragement and disappointment. That’s normal.