Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?

One of the most common diseases of the 21st century is stress. Stress is the reaction of the human body to overexertion or negative emotions. In the modern world, every second person experiences stress. Unfortunately, this disease also affected me.

However, why is stress a problem? The fact is that stress affects the health of a person badly. It can cause diseases such as gastritis or heart problems. That's why I set the task to reduce stress in my life.

How can I do this? The answer to this question I found on the official website of the World Health Organization. I chose a few tips and decided to use them in life.

Tip number one. To reduce stress, you need to walk outdoors. Scientists believe that nature walks increases the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a "hormone of happiness." It helps the human body to deal with stress. However, nature walks helps not only to reduce stress but also improve the work of the heart and lungs. I decided to listen to this advice. Every day I will walk in the park.

Tip number two. People should hug and kiss more. Embrace and kisses reduce the production of the hormone cortisol. This helps reduce stress. Therefore, every morning I will hug and kiss my family.

Tip number three. Everyone should do what he loves. If you have always dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but working as an economist, then you will definitely have stress. Work should bring joy and pleasure. I decided that I will fulfill my dreams, even if they seem impossible.

Stress is the most common problem in the modern world. However, these tips show that it is very easy to deal with it. I hope that all these tips will help me reduce stress and my life will be happier.