Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What do I think about the fate of Oliver Twist?

I`ve never been reading about adventures of Oliver Twist. Today I read the Chapter 1 and I found its very fascinating story which merits attention. It was difficult to read and maybe I`ll be back to after a few years.

As far as I can judge the boy has a very cruel fate. To birth in a workhouse among that horrid conditions and to be an orphan without any choice are the worst fate for anybody. But I found some fortunate there; Oliver was born with the help of medical gentleman not he came out of a slum or in a gutter.

And what do we know about Oliver`s mother? Nobody knows where did she come from and where did she is going to. Was she a noble or a beggar? Where are her carefulness relatives and husband? Why did she wear so shabby shoes and how she was found along lying in the cold street? There`re so many questions and no one answer within! I`m so pity that she hasn`t any paper like document or ticket for we can more observe about her. After the childbearing she was exhausted with a pale face and cold white lips. And she died as soon as she saw her child. Thus Oliver didn`t know his mother and his first feeding was a little gruel not his mother`s breast.

The woman with the green bottle and the parish surgeon called the baby “it”. That is mean “nothing” and it worse than home pet. Very likely Oliver felt about what`s happened for a few days before and he had a right to cry lustily and more louder.

I`m very sorry about the Oliver Twist`s grief. I don`t want anyone to repeat this cruel fate.