Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What characteristics do you think natural leaders have?

Leader is a person, who can unite people to achieve any goals. And for this he needs to have interests that are slightly wider than their own. A leader can be only that person who are not just engaged in their own self-development and wishes fully to realize HIMSELF. Leaders think more – they are interested in the development of OTHER people and their self-realization. The leader is interested in the creative development of others. And most importantly, he is interested in not only their own results and the results of those who follow him. He tries to lift up others.

Five basic qualities LEADER:

  1. Dedication.

Leaders always clearly know where and what they are. Only knowing this can lead people. Otherwise it will be simply a crowd, and you will be her only one. And everyone in the crowd will not know where he wanders.

  1. Responsibility.

Now I am talking about responsibility in the broad sense of the word. First of all, of course, responsibility for yourselves, your thoughts, your actions and your decisions. The leader there is no issue of blame, he always thinks “What to do”. Because he knows that everything has a cause and every action has a consequence. In the world nothing just happens. Responsibility is also the ability to deliver on their promises. Such people are always responsible for their words. They do not promise what they themselves are not confident.

  1. Continuous personal growth.

No one follows an empty person who has nothing to give to others. The leader never stand still in personal development. He constantly develops himself. He's always working on his own inner world, developing certain positive qualities.

  1. Self-discipline.

To do what you're uncomfortable is present a leadership habit. The action distinguishes him from other people. And discipline makes him in this. It is also important to be able to overcome their doubts and fear of the new. The road to success lies only through overcoming myself and my fears.

  1. The ability to communicate.

The need for this skill arises from the very nature of leadership. How can you lead people if you are not able to communicate with them?!

So, the leader is the person behind which there are other people. This is his team. In any case the joint efforts of the team can work wonders.